[@Aristocles] Nabi closed her eyes and leaned back while Ty massaged her feet. It felt good. Really good actually. And the more that he did it, the more that she felt her worries dwindle away and she could just focus on preparing herself mentally for what she was about to do. Mostly, however, she could just relax. Her eyes popped open again when he stopped and told her that they needed to meet up with the others and get organized for the raid. She shot to her feet and jumped a few times, balanced on her tiptoes, and then did a couple of cartwheels. She was feeling good. She looked at him and smiled. "Alright, ready to go when you are." Gabi was in the small kitchen of the hut (if you could really even call it a kitchen. Really just a corner where food was prepared). The plump chicken had been plucked of its feathers and she was now boiling it in a iron pot. There weren't a lot of seasonings on hand, but she tossed whatever she had in there, along with some mushrooms, onions, and cabbage from a recent harvest. It was starting to smell good at least. That was a good sign.