[@Gardevoiran][@Lmpkio][@floodtalon] [Center][H2][color=fff200]Saef Harken-Blood Ring[/color][/h2][/center] Bullet-like seeds began to ping off his shields as Saef thundered on. Most of his attention was focused on the rather painful looking collection of lasers pointed his way. Still, the skeleton's attack was annoying and placed an unneeded drain on his suit. A couple symbols arranged themselves in his head. It was a simple spell that barely took any time or effort to cast. To those watching a dense fog appeared to erupt into existence around the Thaumaturge, extending for about ten yards in every direction and traveling at the same speed and on the same course. It wasn't actual fog. Just light shaped to look as such. A simple application of power that would prevent anyone from seeing in through viaual or thermal means. Of course the young woman before him probably had other means of seeing, the same as Saef did. So as her cannons glowed with rising power the Heavenly soldier changed direction slightly. Moving from his previous position in the cloud he hit the ground running, forming a proper barrier before him that was angled to deflect rather than stop incoming fire.