[color=DEAD2B]"Lady Mavros, that is no way for a noble lady to conduct herself!"[/color] A stern and almost growling voice rang out across the dining table. Far more fatherly than the Duke, the sharp lash of a disappointed paternal figure rebuking a child having snuck off late at night only to return in a state of total inebriation. [color=DEAD2B]"Abdicated or not, I expect you of all people to take the defense of Mavros with the appropriate amount of gravity required. Now off to bed with you, I'll see to preparing tonight for the morning. I thank you for the dinner Lord Mavros, now to rest these old bones."[/color] One last swing of mead from his tankard of sobriety, and a final spoonful of lentil soup. A simple man with his meals, needing no luxury nor great amount at his senior appetite, Kethan ate his fill of the Hero's Feast, fortifying himself for the adventure to come tomorrow. They have set their destinations, as all the information pooled created each team's destination. Though as the old cleric dipped his hands in the washing bowls and waved off the servants waiting to take the wizened one's to his chambers, Kethan took a side venture into the garden to walk in the mountain air. Eyes cast up into the night, pondering the stars and heavens for answers as to why. This cataclysm could be easily solved by the powers above if it were an ordinary invasion, and yet... [color=DEAD2B]"Ah, Miss Lonett of Caernath... Rest well." [/color] Kethan nodded as he passed the monster slayer on his way to the Stables. He knew not the codes for their destinations, they get changed every few years, and it has been sometime since Kethan traveled outside his library. That and Kethan's memory was beginning to decay. The ravages of time and the function of age, and while Ada may forget her foolishness tonight by the morrow, Kethan found himself losing his recollections. The magical band around his head kept his mind decent enough, yet it was merely a crutch, one that he needed more than the symbolic cane he used on his evening stroll into the stables. Giving the owlbear a cautionary look before walking slowly down the corridor to find an emptied stable. There was a good chance they would venture there by foot. Or rather in this case by whatever mechanism of travel they had. Many among them had a fine steed, but Kethan took the long scenic route, stopping by to enjoy the local favourites and recall his days. Alas nothing was quite like the memory of itself nowadays. The times have chanaged, a decade ago the younger Ada would never be so crass as to publicly intoxicate herself. Perhaps Kethan had misplaced his trust in the ancient elf to keep his 'niece' from trouble, especially with that troublemaker... Jamie was it? The one from this morning that looked shifty, yes he would need to keep a close eye on him, although Jamie wasn't the rascal's name... Was it? [color=DEAD2B]"Good Evening, Zaphkiel."[/color] The cleric of Ioun tapped his staff against the ground. Once, twice, and finally a third time before the celestial light bathed him. From the light, the spirit summoned, named by the Elder to be called forth from the heavens. A spirit taking the form of a white winged horse, an old friend Zaphkiel, one of Ioun's own. [color=DEAD2b]"We have a long journey tomorrow, Caelmarth, rest well old friend.[/color] The most powerful spell a mortal could cast, bending reality in nearly anyways Kethan pleased, although this time merely summoning forth a trusted steed to undertake the journey to Caelmarth with. The swift wings of his celestial mount would take Kethan there faster, although the others would have to find their own rides most likely. With his preparations complete, and a good bit of walking done to keep his joints loose and limber to keep up with the youth, Kethan finally entered his chambers, a comfort of bed and luxury. To refuse such down was to reject the bowl of lentils, thus such finery provided found itself carrying the weight of a sleeping old man. Uttering his prayers in the night in preparation to purge the undead alongside great heroes of legend. Oh and something to cure Ada's possible hangover. [hider=mechanics] Kethan Casts Wish: Duplicating Spell - Find Greater Steed. Greater Steed: Koppatiai - Celestial Pegasus [/hider]