[quote=@SleepingSilence] Your argument seems completely based on the semantics idea of "gender" wasn't used for sex since the beginning of time. So that in turn means, the word is meaningless and can be turned into whatever you want it to mean. You could say the very same for other words, but it doesn't change what they mean now. But that just doesn't conform to reality with even a passing glance [/quote] It does though, kind of anyway. The thing is that it never explicitly referred to biological differences. [quote]And again if we're going on older the date, the more credible the source. Non-binary and all of those words assuming a gender spectrum are far, far more recently coined. aeon.co/essays/the-idea-that-gender-i… madskeptic.wordpress.com/2016/09/24/d… rebeccarc.com/2016/01/06/gender-is-no… So, no I flat out disagree that "arguing of linguistics" isn't important. People have been jailed for misuse of pronouns...all these labels are thrown out there BECAUSE language matters. More than how accurate any of them even are to reality and evidence. You get into fucking appropriation wars like this... conspireforchange.org/?p=2283 White people can't use two spirit because it's a cultural appropriation, oh fuck I thought it was a 'gender'...Not a Halloween costume. <.< Also, you failed to explain how we'd be able to push all of this into law, without people being able to abuse the hell of the government. Gender Fluid, means fuck you I'm both and neither, or which ever I please, any time I want. You can't prove I'm lying, I'll sue you if you tell me otherwise. If you don't even support it, at it's most basic level, you're just flat out misinformed on the word and how it's been used in tandem with sex. Because we aren't just arguing over semantics of language. The left is arguing over reality bending and pushing political laws. Gender is not a social construct in any meaningful way. Not in the progressive way, in what they mean by claiming that. It is a biological fact. That men have more masculine traits and females have more feminine traits on average.[/quote] Alright, here I will concede to you. I do think it is wholly criminal that people are jailed for not indulging the craziness of the mentally ill. However, again, this is all far from the original point I tried to convey. Gender is (Χριστός συγχωρέστε το για αυτό) a social construct. Gender is like imaginary friends. It's not healthy to have them, and not right to encourage people to have them but you can't tell another person "no, you don't have these imaginary friends." It's just one of those things you aren't going to win. How much success do you think you'll have telling a guy in an asylum chained to a chair that no, it is indeed not right to gouge someone's eyeballs out for snack?