[@Double] Satay just flashed a stupid grin as she saw the frieza clansman zero on her. Well, he had every right to be mad about losing soldiers, it was after all the one who could lose the most prestige in the operation. Without batting an eyelid, she unsummoned the crystal ball, tilting her head slighty. "Oh, lord Glaceo, mighty kind of you to come hither and pay this humble self a visit." The female spoke, with honeyed words as she eyed her superior. "I was merely gazing at the stars, making strategies, when these couple of soldiers decided to want a sparring match. I begged to differ, and my opinion was not heed. So i gave them...a "tap"." Her eyes rolled, her smile finally dropping. "Looks like the Galactic Frieza Army isn't as durable as the rumours say. Also, [i]dead[/i] body? I beg to differ." She said, as she stretched without input and with catlike steps approached the corpse. "He can still be brought back, with some coaxing." The sorceress knelt before the corpse, craddling the neck back into place. She bit her own tongue, and poured droplets of blood into the alien's mouth, as she whispered arcane words. A faint light emited a glow, and the neck of the soldier jolted back painfully in place, an inelegant foaming coming from his mouth. "See, I revived your paper soldier for you, my lord. Quell your anger." Satay added as she put an index finger in her cheek. "Wait, [i]us[/i]?" Satay looked at her superior with a bit of alarm in her face.