[@Jangel13][@Aristocles][@Stekkmen] Nabi waved to Bok. "Hi, Bok, I'm Nabi. You should come with us. We're going to find Tovo to go with us on the raid." She did wonder what the reaction of the other warriors would be when they discovered that a female was going with them. It wouldn't shock her if some of them weren't comfortable with the idea of it. Gabi smiled at Olric while she continued to eat her fill of the chicken, feeling like a bit of a pig when she noticed that she was eating more than he was. She thought about him mentioning that her job was important too. He was referring to her working as a farmer of course, but that was only a part of her job. Like all females, she would be expected to produce many younglings in order to ensure the tribes future. "Well, you can come by whenever you want to talk," she told him. "I bet it does get pretty lonely in your job."