Once the two goblins left the temple, Edra headed straight to the main altar positioned  further behind the bonfire almost to the point that it was leaning on the wall that separated the temple proper and the place where the shaman rested and kept her supply of ingredients for rituals. That altar held both a wooden idol that had several face carvings and a rabbit's head. This kind of offering was the most favored of all offerings by the gods and with such favor required preparation to ensure the prayer of the one who left it be answered and to appease the gods greatly. She walks to her ingredients cache and grabs some amorous herbs and a wooden mortar and pestle before returning to the altar. She begins to grind the herbs into a thick amber paste that she proceeds to dip the offering into. She goes into a trance like state and walks to the bonfire. The bonfire reacts to the offering and gets slightly stronger than normal. She then holds the head over the bonfire and utters the words of sacrifice before dropping the rabbit head into the fire. "Utzilah miopiar lethodar akula vigis." The bonfire greedily accepts the offering and the gods show their favor by quickly consuming the flesh of the rabbit head and blackening the rabbit's skull almost instantaneously, making it ready to be mounted outside. Edra then takes the skull out of the temple and mounts it for the whole village to see.