[h2][center] Oswald Connoly- Survival [/center][/h2] And now began the rain. Of course. Because [i]nothing[/i] could go well for him, huh? Sighing, Oswald dropped the wood. He wasn't even going to bother. "Well...unless we wanna waste some burn dust...this shit ain't lighting." His face clearly betrayed his frustration. "Just great...and this was actually going alright." Jerking his head in the direction of the shelter the others were building, Oswald sighed. "Might as well see what we can do to help them before the rain gets unbearable." Standing up, Oswald groaned in pain as his ribs cried out. "Mother of...." Gods, he was pain. Trying to hide it didn't help, either. Instead, he turned to the girl near him. "Sorry. Broken ribs..." Making sure he had his gear, Oswald hobbled over to the makeshift shelters. "Fire's fucked. At least this thing got finished, I guess...thanks." A pained cough punctuated his greeting. Great. [@NarayanK] [@Lucius Cypher] [@Guess Who] [@Ryonara]