[img]https://i.imgur.com/VLi8d4r.png[/img] [u][i]Location - Upper South District - Roof of the Capitol Building[/i][/u] He looked up the stars, and he felt... Well, that's not important now. Is it? Ziggy Stardust looked into the sky above, to the stars above him, and he felt something. The boy from the stars, with blue skin and crystal growing from his skin. So obviously not human that nobody even thought he could be. But none the less, he was there on the roof of the capitol building looking into the sky. He wore a hoodie. Loose and baggy clothing, almost as if he was just another high school student. He could probably get away with it too, if high schoolers had glowing hair. "I was looking for you." The voice that crept up from behind was gentle. Almost motherly. Made sense that it came from the person in charge of Ziggy. "I just wanted to get out, you know?" Ziggy said, brushing his hands through his hair. His hair, was synthetic. It wasn't warm. It was cold, like ice, and the scientists figured it was some kind of incredibly flexible crystalline structure. Probably using the template of the astronauts whos bodies had been used as material in his birth. "All those meetings are boring." "Yes they are. But they're important. And they involve you." Mother took a seat, right next to Ziggy. She was the only one who ever did. Others gave him distance, but not her. "He can complain all he wants, but General Howzer said he wants me here. And he'll get his way." Ziggy grumbled out, thinking of how the mayor was always complaining. "I have enough problem dealing with the turf war with heroes and villains! I can't deal with some space messiah!" Ziggy did a nearly perfect impersonation of the fat, and clearly balding under that toupe, mayor. Though the slight reverberation of his voice kinda ruined an otherwise perfect show. "Of course. And even if the mayor did have a say, we'd find you someplace else to test your powers." "That's all you care about, huh?" "Don't be that way." "What way?" "You know, that way were you act like we're only using you. Putting you through tests to turn you into a weapon for US superiority overseas." "General Howzer says so." "Well, he's only the general. And you're a private citizen. That took a lot of work getting you classified that way. The whole born on US soil thing took a lot of convincing." "The judge was so shocked when I started growing those crystals." Ziggy laughed, remembering all the swearing about aliens and monsters. Agent Mother smiled, and patted the starchild on the back. "Now, remember why you're doing all this." "Do I have to say it out loud?" Ziggy said, smiling at his handler. She was the only person who really got him. Better than some of his professors at the university. They just didn't get it. He was smart, despite only being about four years old as far as humans could be concerned. And yet, despite all the superheros running around, a creature from space just stood out in a weird way. "Not really. Just do your school work. Eat all your meals, and don't get hurt." Mother whispered that last bit. "Oh come on, I haven't even run into any crime, and I've been in this city for a week." "That's because you glow, and don't stray too far from the Capitol building." "Yeah, but you said I have to stay close." "For tonight, you have my FULL permission to travel through the whole city. Just um... Don't go past Northview or Young. I'll give you more room once you're better with directions." Ziggy smiled, and then, he jumped from the roof. Spinning in the air just enough to salute Agent Mother, and he was off. Without the need to rest, he was already running down the city streets, with the ground slightly cracked on the pavement below from his impact. "And don't go jumping from high places! You may not get hurt, but the streets aren't you!" Agent Mother shouted, before watching Ziggy vault over a car. It seemed he was heading towards [b]Young[/b]. Not a bad place to go looking for crime. Sighing softly, Mother picked up her phone, and began to dial. "Agent Mother here. Subject Stardust is making his way towards Young. Let the authorities know, since not everybody is used to the alien boy yet." Young was part of the poor district. It also happened to have the nicest rooftops. This was because the whole district was layered on top of itself. This made it easy to leap from rooftop to rooftop. And there was a rush in that. The way the city seemed to stretch around him. Area 52, where he'd been raised for four years was so small, full of walls and barricades. Here. There wasn't any walls. No desert to get in the way. Here, he could do anything, and that was so worth living for. So to the people below, there was a blue boy leaping about on the roofs of the building, and if they hadn't watched the news lately, they might have been terrified.