[hider=Abd al Hakim Kairo Qatarh Ahmadi] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/66fccd931f12854c21a9875053251377/5B33D999/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/c0.135.1080.1080/27580673_330596227452327_2956891121357160448_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTcxMzU3NDczNTIxNTc1Njc2OA%3D%3D.2.c[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=purple]Ⱥƀđ Ⱥł ĦȺꝁɨm ꝀȺɨɍø ꝖȺŧȺɍħ ȺħmȺđɨ[/color][/h1][/center] [center][i][color=purple]"Can you hear the wind that's howling? Through the concrete trees Gotcha praying on your knees In the face of danger we're all brave. Till the gun goes bang bang bang... It's a cruel cruel cruel world"[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [b][u]Name: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Full name is Abdul Hakim Kairo Qatarh Ahmadi. He goes by Kairo or Kai.[/i][/color] [b][u]Age: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]14[/i][/color] [b][u]Birthday: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]February 14th[/i][/color] [b][u]Gender: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Male[/i][/color] [b][u]Ethnicity: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Minangkabau[/i][/color] [b][u]Nationality: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Indonesian[/i][/color] [b][u]Orientation: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Homosexual[/i][/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/40364a7b454b6aaf3f0246a0a40111bd/5B10545E/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/24174920_266244040570024_364569520007806976_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTY1NzcyNzIzNTE0MDc5MDg4NQ%3D%3D.2[/img][/center] [b][u]School Year :[/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Fourth-Year[/i][/color] [b][u]Robe Color :[/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Forest Green. They match his eyes quite nicely.[/i][/color] [b][u]Blood Status: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Half-blood[/i][/color] [b][u]House: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Sui[/i][/color] [b][u]Pet: [/u][/b] [url=www.hdw-inc.com/cloudofstarbengal.jpg][i]Cat named Castiel[/i][/url] [b][u]Boggart: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]A Muggle Firearm filled with plenty of fancy attachments and sporting a wicked looking Bayonet at the end. With the Riddikulus charm the gun turns into a miniature sized plastic version and squirts out water.[/i][/color] [b][u]Wand: [/u][/b] [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/b454/i/2017/018/f/d/aspen_wand_by_kenku_0-davuh6m.jpg][i]Aspen Wood, Griffin Feather, 11 inches, Nice and Supple[/i][/url] [hider=Wood and Core]Aspen: Wand-quality aspen wood is white and fine-grained, and highly prized by all wand-makers for its stylish resemblance to ivory and its usually outstanding charmwork. The proper owner of the aspen wand is often an accomplished duellist, or destined to be so, for the aspen wand is one of those particularly suited to martial magic. An infamous and secretive eighteenth-century duelling club, which called itself The Silver Spears, was reputed to admit only those who owned aspen wands. In my experience, aspen wand owners are generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this is a wand for revolutionaries. Griffin Feather: Those who are true, skillful, stubborn, protective, strong-willed, logical, observant, perceptive and witty would have this wand core. Having such a wand core suggests that you have a strong will as well as a strong heart. You are clever and witty, as well as observant, able to observe and perceive things that others would otherwise overlook or would not comprehend or see the connection to. Having such a strong will makes this wand core one of the best to use in high-impact and blunt force magic, such as Dueling magic. But this wand core also works well with those who are skilled in DADA, Elemental Magic (Air and Earth) Occlumency, Legilimency, and magic that requires a lot of strategy, mind over matter, thinking and planning. [/hider] [hr][hr] [b][u]Favourite Lesson: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Charms. This is mainly due to Kairo's obsession with dueling and his love for outthinking his opponents. He sees Charms as a more useful and impressive style of magic than Transfiguration.[/i][/color] [b][u]Least Favourite Lesson: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]History of Magic as he can't stand sitting still without practicing with his Wand. Will usually be seen doing homework from other classes while the teacher drones on. With Transfiguration coming in as second as Korbin just doesn't respect the style of magic.[/i][/color] [b][u]Electives: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Arithmancy, and Runology[/i][/color] [b][u]Extracurricular Activities: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Dueling Club, Wizards Chess, and Quidditch. Though he doesn't play Quidditch, he just enjoys watching for now...[/i][/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://www.teenidols4you.com/blink/Actors/forrest-wheeler/forrest-wheeler-1487982241.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]Appearance: [/u][/b] [hider=Faceclaim]Forrest Wheeler[/hider] [color=#D3D3D3][i]The first thing people normally notice about Kairo is his stature, standing at a rather unimpressive 4 foot and 11 inches. Other than his short stature people tend to notice his eyes next, a very intriguing variant of green as faint flecks of gold makes Kairo's eyes a spectacle sometimes to those he meets. Coupled with the fact that Kai does most of his communicating with those eyes it's no wonder he considers them to be his most distinctive trait, even if everyone else only sees a midget. Puberty has been a fickle friend thus far for Korbin in that it seems to go much slower than for other kids his age, a fact that can be seen just from how small the 14 year old is. Indeed the Hospital Wing Matron at one time thought the boy was malnourished and was surprised to find how fit and athletic the Sui student was, Kai being quite well toned and wiry. With that being said the combination of his eyes, light brown hair, a younger face, and a tanned Indonesian complexion made him hear the term, 'adorable' on more than one occasion which annoys the boy to no end. He personally can't stand his appearance and finds it girlish which is compounded by the fact that his good friend keeps sending him skin potions (which he has to admit do work) but other than various charms there's nothing he can do about changing said appearance. Besides being pimple-less does have its perks. He did have scars, two wounds on his left side near his ribcage, and another across his lower stomach. These three would appear to be blade wounds. He also had burn scar on his right shoulder. Along with some faint scars on his forearms and wrist from various cuts and scrapes.[/i][/color] [b][u]Personality: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Kairo is an enigma, as he carefully hides most of his emotions underneath a mask of shyness and uncaring. He keeps himself cleaned and immaculate whenever possible, always preparing his clothes for the next day and putting his own style to his robes by wearing a scarf during all seasons, leaving it loose when it was hot and loose when it was cold. He's articulate, charming, and calm when dealing with Professors, except for the History of Magic Professor, and shows himself to be a model student whenever he can. But, that's not the real Kai, underneath that mask is a determined, calculating individual who has known nothing but a drive to excel and build contacts in order to survive. Mistakes are punished harshly by himself and as such Kairo is a perfectionist. He takes to ignoring those he finds below him, highly critical, a bit arrogant, devious, scheming, sly, and calculative. All in all he's also defensive about letting people get close, hard to talk to in passing conversation, and selfish. With his upbringing on the streets he has been taught that friendships are weaknesses which has honestly made Kai into a young man used to being alone. He has a secret however, puberty being a slow train for him still didn't stop the hormonal changes that came his way and unlike his dorm mates which became obsessed with various females of his grade, Korbin found that he instead preferred taking peaks at those same dorm mates. He knew this meant he was different and deals with a constant self-loathing about this situation as he knows such is frowned upon. And with no one to really talk to about it he just keep it to himself. Classwork is hit or miss for Kai, the Sui doing simply OK in every class but Charms, Defense Against The Dark Arts, and Arithmancy. It's not that he doesn't perform well in those other classes as he -is- a perfectionist but it's clear to most that he truly excels in the classes mentioned. In dueling situations or during intense matches of Wizard's Chess Korbin's core personality is shown the most, as the Sui uses physical dodging and diving to tire out his opponent, then using his talent in Charms to lock down true understanding of his opponents fighting style before then taking advantage of the weaknesses he's found. His duels always last the longest but the end result tends to be the same, as Kairo literally drains his opponent of magical, emotional, and physical strength before going in for the kill, calm and collected as before. In chess the boy is a cold methodical tactician, attacking the board in multiple places at once, taking into account his opponents responses and then adopting a blistering offensive that cripples the unfortunate soul that went against him all the while showing no emotion on his face and a fire in his eyes that some of his opponents have called disturbing. Despite all of these things going against him Korbin does have some redeeming qualities, his heritage giving him decent looks, his constant exercise making him rather athletic, he's adaptable to various situation, and is quite loyal despite his rugged exterior. He's a mountain you have to climb up before seeing the good points but should someone scale that mountain the Sui boy could make a very good friend which is what he's secretly looking to be anyway.[/i][/color] [center][img]http://www.teenidols4you.com/blink/Actors/forrest-wheeler/forrest-wheeler-1476121238.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]Backstory: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Kairo was born in the Indonesian Capital of Jakarta to two rather different parents. One was a ordinary Emergency Room Resident and the other was a Wizard who worked as a Diplomat for the Southeastern Asia Ministry. But unlike some secrets that marriages can hold onto Kai's father made it known the moment he asked for his wife's hand in marriage. Said wife, Adiya after the initial shock agreed to the Marriage anyway and was introduced to the world of Magic proper. Kairo was born 3 years later in the same Hospital Adiya worked in. He came into the world screaming and hollering but loved. That love continued throughout the boys early years, though he had to share with his younger brother who came just another 3 years after. He had a rather happy childhood, growing up in the Islamic faith, and with his Mother's insistence developed a strong work ethic towards his studies. His father, Qatarh had already registered the accidental magic his son did at various times and knew that he would eventually have to be told of the magical world but he and Kairo's mother continued putting it off. Unfortunately for all of them that was a mistake. When Kairo was 7 years old the age that he would be able to attend Mahoutokoro as a day student the family was walking towards one of their more favored restaurants they were stopped by a local gang. The gang itself was of a Hindu background and despised the more Arabic/Islamic families that lived on the opposite street. Conflict had been growing and it reached a fever pitch the night before the Ahmadi family decided to eat out. One of the Hindu Lieutenants was gunned down by the Islamic gang and the Ahmadi's would pay retribution... Before Qatarh could react and shield his family bullets flew, the sound echoing in Kairo's young ears. Before he knew what had really happened he was cowering on the ground with his head held underneath his hands crying. He could hear his younger brother screaming near him but some sort of survival instinct took over his limbs and the boy sprinted away, only looking back to see his entire family bleeding out all over the ground and the gangsters hoisting assault weapons chuckling and pointing at Kai. That started the dark period of Kairo's life, and he spent the next three years living on the street. Streetlife was not kind to the boy who managed to get his fair share of scars. Both physical and mental but it hardened him as well. He became much more calculative, and by the time he was a well known trickster, relying on his cunning and tactics to survive instead of his physical strength. He made contacts with the various businessmen for favors and even led a pack of other orphaned kids who operated as messengers and spies for various gangs. The one place Kairo felt safe was a Motel whose owner, Ai'isha became a motherly figure to Kai. He was often allowed to stay in one of the unused rooms. Ai'isha taught the boy her love of languages and Kai found he was a very quick study, his mind quick and ready to learn. Settling into a routine, Kairo's life was interrupted again when after a bad nightmare and subsequent walk around the block the then 10 year old was approached by two men wearing weird cloaks. They identified themselves as Police and told him that they had been searching for him since the fateful day 3 years ago. Naturally Kairo was skeptical but after playing over the pros and cons of listening to this man out decided to play along. The tale they spun was impressive to say the least, telling him that his brother had survived the shooting and was adopted by another family, a rather rich family at that and that Kairo was thought to be dead or abducted. But during the Nightmare Kairo had used Magic... Whatever that was and was able to be tracked. At the end of the tale Kai had simply rolled his eyes and stated to walk off before he heard some weird language spoken and then his body freeze up entirely. The two men then walked over to him and one patted him on the head. "Just relax, we're going to take you to get checked out." Checked out turned out to be a full physical by a Doctor wearing weirder robed than the two men that abducted him, and after that thorough examination Kai was led to a white room with a single bed. Sighing the boy punched the wall and cursed himself for not running the second the two men approached him. He continued to fume until the door opened and the Doctor from before came in with someone small hiding behind his legs and two other adults hovering at the door. Confused, Kai narrowed his eyes ready for a trick but wasn't ready to see the little person peak around the Doctor and lock eyes with him. It was like looking into his nightmares, the same cloudy brown eyes that reminded Kairo of his Father. His little brother had grown but it was obviously him and with a strangled cry of shock and disbelief Kai threw himself off the bed and ran over to the boy who was now crying and running towards Kai as well... After the heartwarming reunion Kai was released from Medical Care and into the care of the Pureblooded Bueller family who had been good friends with Qatarh and Adiya and worked at the Ministry with Qatarh. Kairo was introduced to a brand new world in Japan, the House that the Harada family lived in large and impressive. But the real heart stopper was when he was introduced to the world of magic, rather unceremoniously as well since at one moment they were in the Hospital doorway and then after an unpleasant feeling of being squished they showed up in front of a huge Castle like home filled with hedgerows and gardens guarded by an Iron door. That same gate was opened by a short creature with huge ears and wearing an impressive suit coat. Kairo knew his jaw was on the ground and would have fainted if not for the odd sense of all of this being true and right. It took quite a bit of time to get Kai used to not sleeping on the streets and to his new life in general but he made good progress which was helped by the presence of his Brother. He was told the whole story of his father being a Wizard and explained the accidental magic that he himself had used which made him a Wizard as well. That entire rest of the year was spent preparing Kai to attend some school for Asian Witches and Wizards called Mahoutokoro. Which Eko already attended. Kai dived into the books with a thirst for knowledge that impressed his new parents. It was a way for Kai to try and forget everything he had gone through in his life thus far and to focus on the future. He was take to get his school supplies which included his wand and it was then that Kairo decided to become the best Wizard he could. Kai attended the school and was sorted into the Sui House. He was a bit antisocial at first and rocketed to first place in his studies for his year and as thought of as a shy bookworm. He shocked everyone however when he picked up Wizard Chess and became a brutal competitor to even the upper year students, the boy showing a gift for strategy and being completely unemotional. It threw a lot of people off how methodical and business like the first year could be while absolutely obliterating his opponent. Other than his Chess Skills and schoolwork however he wasn't known for anything else, and was mostly a loner, never really seen with another student or even smiling, rather just always reading a book with his brow furrowed and ignoring his peers. Second year was a little different, Kai now used to the Wizarding World and smarter as well about the way things worked. He continued playing Chess, and receiving good grades but also joined the Dueling Club, an area that he again excelled at. He constantly challenged older students, getting beaten over and over again but also getting stronger each and every time. He started running every morning, and working on his reflexes, as well as making his own sort of obstacle course that simulated duking, dodging, and jumping spells. He put everything he had into the Dueling Club, even letting his grades slip a little in classes he didn't respect like Transfiguration and History of Magic. And by the end of the year while he wasn't at the top of his class he -was- easily the best Duelist out of the younger years. Third Year is when the Sui came out of his shell a little, and started talking more to his Dorm mates and House mates. He found he was very hard to be friends with and most of those he talked to were content with just being acquaintances instead of true friends. But it was a step in the right direction for Kai who simply continued on with his routine. Pouring everything into the Dueling Club and practicing his strategy and tactics in Chess Club which he was quickly becoming a Master at. It was almost funny, Kai's overall stats on the Dueling table were 4-22 but he was known as a very good fighter. And it was proved that year when with a mixture of great reflexes and unorthodox strategies the Sui beat a 6th year student. It was a sure feat but it was one of the weaker 6th years and Kai still lost much more than he won but his style was getting more and more refined but better yet his eye for spotting his opponents own strengths and weaknesses were getting better and better each time he limped towards the Hospital Wing to be put back together again after being shot into the ground by the upper classmen. But now it was time for Fourth Year and Kai while usually ok with being a loner was looking forward to making at least one true friend and perhaps start exploring his feelings he had locked up with a key from his earlier pre-teen and teen years.[/i][/color] [b][u]Extra: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Allergic to Bees. Homosexual. Fluent in Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Filipino, and English though it does have a hint of an Indonesian Accent. [/i][/color] [/hider]