[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180301/b7eb27b9467e58e4061adc09117212de.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/fWBtQl9.png[/img] [color=slategray][sub]A [@Universorum] and [@smarty0114] collab Featuring: [color=ff0066][b]Q[/b][/color]&[color=17aa99][b]A[/b][/color] and [color=1ca9c9][b]Wyatt Durand[/b][/color] Location: A Double’s Car Interacting With: [@Silent Observer] [@Lovely Complex] text messages, come get tacos or don’t i guess but you’d break a double’s heart[/sub][/color][/center][hr][hr][indent]Quincy was, for the first time in forever, putting some effort into how she looked. Yeah, she’d looked like a hobo all day at school, but that didn’t mean she had to look like a hobo when she went out with A Double. Obviously she wasn’t going to completely doll herself up, that would be preposterous. But a spritz of perfume, and, [i]gasp[/i], some make-up weren’t going to hurt. In other words, Quincy was head over heels. If anyone saw her as she looked in the mirror at that moment, they could tell you as much. Because there’s not a person alive who stresses as much as Quincy was over a simple fling. Quincy was, for better or worse, falling very quickly for A Double. Well, more accurately, she’d been falling for a very long time. She just hadn’t realized it quite yet. A Double wasn’t thinking this through quite as much as Q. He had parked the car in front of Q’s house almost ten minutes ago, but he had told Wyatt they were gonna give Q a minute to do ‘girl stuff.’ To be honest? A Double wasn’t sure what ‘girl stuff’ pertained to, but he knew from experience that it took her at least fifteen minutes to get ready. Now that it had been about ten, he texted Q a simple text saying that they were there! Then, he turned over to Wyatt. [color=17aa99][b]“Okay, dude. She should be here soon! The longer we wait, the more tacos I’m gonna eat, man. I really like tacos.”[/b][/color] Wyatt grinned at the thought of tacos. [color=1ca9c9][b]”I’m gonna get like...at least twelve. I fucking love tacos, and I am so hungry. God, where is Q?”[/b][/color] As soon as the words had left his mouth, the passenger side door opened up and Q was suddenly there, causing a very stoned Wyatt to jump with shock. [color=1ca9c9][b]”Woah, Q, long time no see!”[/b][/color] he said, earning an eye roll and a smirk from Q. [color=ff0066][b]”Nice to see you too Wyatt. Now, uh, can ya move?”[/b][/color] Wyatt looked down at his seat. Why would he move? He always sat shotgun. He looked over at A Double, and then back at Q, and then back at A Double, and once more to Q before he pieced it together. [color=1ca9c9][b]”Ohhhhhhhhh.”[/b][/color] Wyatt nodded and clambered into the back seat, as Q took his place, leaning over and planting a kiss on A Double’s cheek. [color=ff0066][b]”Hey,”[/b][/color] A Double watched as Wyatt clambered into the back and shrugged his shoulders. He sort of agreed with it, but he couldn’t remember the last time Wyatt hadn’t rode shotgun! Weird, man. He shifted the car into gear and pulled onto the rode, smiling over at Q. [color=17aa99][b]“Hey! You excited for tacos. I’m excited for tacos.”[/b][/color] He said happily, heading toward the spot. [color=17aa99][b]“So, hey, I offered to buy that dude you punched tacos, but he didn’t want any tacos, and he was really upset. So I guess he and his friends aren’t gonna hang around at the spot anymore? Which is okay! I told him about another skatepark that’s pretty killer across town. I hope they find a place to hang out! I dunno how I feel about people leaving. Burntown’s supposed to be welcoming, not scaring people off-ing.”[/b][/color] A Double paused, and gave Q a rather serious look. [color=17aa99][b]“I’m not gonna tell you to [i]not[/i] punch people. Really, I’m not gonna tell you not to do anything, because I can’t really tell you what to do. But I’m gonna ask really nicely… please don’t punch people at Burntown? Punch them away from Burntown. Like, by all means, babe. Punch. But not in the happy place.”[/b][/color] There. That was handled maturely, right? Q chewed her lip for a second. How was she gonna go about this? [color=ff0066][i]C’mon Q, it’s A Double. Straight forward is the only way to go,[/i][/color] she thought, looking out at the road. She then turned to face her boyfriend, frowning slightly. [color=ff0066][b]”Look, A Double, they don’t want to hang out at Burntown cause they don’t approve of us being y’know… together. They don’t like that I used to be friends with Hailey and the Bitch Brigade,”[/b][/color] she explained, biting her lip as her stomach did flips. A Double listened to her talk, and when she said her piece, he frowned slightly. [color=17aa99][b]“Really? That’s dumb. You’re not friends with them anymore! Even if you were, we don’t… really have a problem with Hailey and her friends. They are friends right? I can never really tell.”[/b][/color] A Double shrugged his shoulders, [color=17aa99][b]“People are weird. Why can’t they just be relaxed like me?”[/b][/color] He said, making a discontent face. If everyone just chilled the fuck out, the school and the world alike would be much different, and much better places. Quincy shook her head, sighing. [color=ff0066][b] “It’s high school babe, that’s why. That said, Hailey’s bubble of protection isn’t exactly extended to every outcast who happens to join our merry little band. I’m guessing that’s why they weren’t too pleased. But, that’s bullshit anyways. Are Raf and Rose coming?”[/b][/color] Quincy asked, doing her best to change the subject without being [i]too[/i] obvious. She didn’t want to talk about BHHS politics anymore, it exhausted her. A Double wasn’t necessarily a smart man, but he definitely wasn’t a dumb one. He caught onto the attempts to change the subject, though when Q brought up something else, her choice of subject brought a look of surprise to his face. He totally forgot about them! Oops, time to assemble the squad. [color=17aa99][b]“Oh… oops. I forgot to text them! But now I’m driving… Can one of you two do it? I bet they’ll want to come. They’re our best friends, after all.”[/b][/color] WHOOPS. [color=17aa99][b]“Just tell ‘em to meet us at the spot.”[/b][/color] Wyatt had been seated in the back, quietly looking down at his shoes. This was partly because he’d become mesmerized by the materials they were made of, the complex weaving and stitching, but also because Q had taken his spot. And it felt...shitty? [color=1ca9c9][i]It’s no big deal WyGuy. Calm down,”[/i][/color] he told himself, fending off the oh so swift feelings of abandonment that had always seemed so common. Wyatt perked up though, at the mention of Rose and Raf. [color=1ca9c9][b] “I’ll text ‘em in the group chat,”[/b][/color] Wyatt said, pulling out his phone and slowly typing a text to the crew’s group chat. [center][b]To: [color=a57124]Pipin’ Hot Group Chat[/color] [color=1ca9c9]Tacos at the spot in ten[/color][/b][/center][/indent]