[center][h2][color=khaki]Angel - Overhead[/color][/h2][@Eklispe][/center] Despite the fact that Mantis had been injured, Angel continued to pursue Bladedancer and Magna Carta. From her vantage point keeping up wasn't that difficult. A couple times they turned a corner the heroine had to make the turn quickly so as not to lose them. However they did eventually dart out out of sight into an apartment building. There was no way to get inside without drawing attention as Angel. The woman may have already caused a stir flying overhead. An angelic figure in the air had a way of spooking people. Despite not being as large it was rather unfortunate that she shared that resemblance with the Simurgh. Landing softly in the alley she transformed back to her normal self. The blue glow from before covered her body and her wings dissolved. The bulk of her frame came back. Sarah still was unsure exactly what state she was in during the transition to and from Angel. But at least it seemed that the threat had passed and she had an idea of where the girl that had killed that boy went. Not that Sarah wanted to be bothered with this information. No telling their civilian appearance. That was one advantage of her breaker status, she looked nothing like her secret identity. Smacking herself on the head the woman stepped out onto the streets. Had to get her mind out of hero mode and get back home. Taking a moment to get her bearings it looked like she'd traveled quite a ways following the other two. Walking back would be a pain. Guess that means making a bus to get closer. Unless she stayed and tried to identify the criminals. [color=crimson]"Dammit Angel. You're more trouble than you're worth."[/color] There wasn't a reply. Taking the hint she went to a nearby restaurant, waiting and keeping an eye out. How long she would be there was anyone's guess.