[hider=Martin Cromwell] [center][h1][b] [color=c4df9b]Martin Cromwell.[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/a3/48/23/a34823779702d8e61553352469caa644--guy-models-hot-male-models.jpg[/img] [h1]╚══════════════╝[/h1] [i]"I don't even take myself seriously."[/i] [h3][color=c4df9b] [b]19[/b] | [b]5"6[/b] | [b]Irish American[/b] | [b]He/Him[/b] | [b]138lb.[/b][/color] [/h3] [h1][i][color=c4df9b][Unnoticed][/color][/i][/h1][/center] [h3][u][b][color=c4df9b] APPEARANCE [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"I can't say I'm turning too many heads but it could be worse."[/i] [indent][indent]Martin is a boy with an almost bird-boned figure and a frail, slight look to him. He had been small since childhood, always a step behind his peers in size and frame, he never seemed to have quite caught up. Short and as thin as a reed, he has bony shoulders and he looks as if a stray breeze could blow him aside. There seems to be little to no muscle throughout his entire body and he doesn't seem ashamed of it. His small build makes it hard for him to be intimidating and was often the reason that he was pushed around in highschool. While being unintimidating, it also makes him appear much younger than he is and far more fragile. His skin is almost sickly pale and there is prominent bruising beneath his eyes. He's blessed with a very good jawline, his face is all angles with deep cheekbones. A sharp cupids bow and a full lower lip characterize a mouth that can usually be found pushed slightly to the side in thought. A broad forehead and thick dark eyebrows lead to a pair of stormy blue eyes that are shrouded in dark eyelashes. A pale scar cuts through his left eyebrow, arching towards his hairline and disappearing into his hair. The clothing that he wears can be considered a little eccentric, perhaps almost like a goth who's phase never quite ended. He can be found in long black trenchcoats with high collars, black jeans and black steel-toed boots. When he's not in his signature trenchcoat, he will usually opt for black silk button up shirts, black turtleneck sweaters or black t-shirts printed with band logos on them. His nails are almost always painted a uniform black.[/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=c4df9b] PSYCHOLOGY [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"I'm not as much of a wreck as it might seem."[/i] [indent][indent][indent] [b][color=c4df9b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/color][/b] Martin's main goal in life is to be a musician, preferably a lead guitarist in a band some day. [b][color=c4df9b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/color][/b] Martin's philosophy on life is to mind his own business, he doesn't see the need to interject himself into the affairs of other people. Helping them or hurting them, it's all the same and he doesn't want to be a part of either. [b][color=c4df9b]SECRETS ⫻[/color][/b] Martin's biggest secret is the fact that he was bullied all throughout middle school and he tends to bottle up his feelings about it. He views social situations like someone may view a battleground, it scares him that any person could turn sour at any moment. [b][color=c4df9b]DESIRES ⫻[/color][/b] Above all else, Martin desires genuine confidence in himself and everything that he does. He also desires the ability to connect to people around him, he's not very good at it. [b][color=c4df9b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/color][/b] Homosexual, he's very open about it if someone happens to ask him. [b][color=c4df9b]FEARS ⫻[/color][/b] Martin fears being completely alone, he spent much of his childhood and teenage years in a sort of forced isolation. The idea of having absolutely no one for the rest of his life is one that terrifies him. [b][color=c4df9b]REPUTATION ⫻[/color][/b] His reputation is that of a loner and a weird kid, but he's known for being intelligent. He's the kind of kid that parents and teachers tend to refer to like "Oh, that Martin, he's smart but he's very [i]odd.[/i]" [b][color=c4df9b]PET PEEVES ⫻[/color][/b] He hates people that are purely mean just to be mean, something about bullies just really gets under his skin. [b][color=c4df9b]QUIRKS ⫻[/color][/b] He's prone to rocking back and forth when he's sitting or standing. He bites his nails frequently, usually chewing them down to the quick. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=c4df9b] BACKSTORY [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"There's nothing exciting about my life, the exciting stuff all involves other people."[/i] [indent][indent]Born a native to Farmer Hill, Martin Cromwell lived with a divorced pair of parents, his father lived about two hours away. Alice Cromwell was a woman who was very busy in trying to maintain their household, often away long hours at a demanding job. This left Martin with a babysitter for most of his childhood, a kind young woman who he just called Maddie. Maddie was fantastic at her job and treated him in the way that his mother didn't have time too, she would take him places and buy him things and comb his hair out of his face. At times it was hard to remember that she was just hired help and he thought of her like a family member. When his mother would be cold and absent, Maddie was always warm and receptive. She would listen to him and she would care for him, he begin to care more for her than he cared for his own mother. Alice was not an inherently bad woman, though she was extremely stressed. She was wrapped into the throes of work and she never had the time to do the little things that her son was so desperately requiring. By the age of ten, it became clear to the young man that his household was a little bit off. This was the start of an attention streak for young Martin. He became obsessed with impressing his distant mother, despite Maddie's advice to not let it get to him. He started doing anything that he could to get her approval, he found that her approval was intangible and untouchable. School was rough on the young man, he was often at the bottom of the pecking order. He was the type of kid that either faded into the background or was targeted by larger kids, this led to him cowering back. It wasn't easy to avoid the shoves and the comments, every passing day became a struggle. He would try to avoid school to avoid the harsh words that burned into his skin, nothing he said or did would make them stop. He became obsessed with trying to blend completely in, if his own mother could forget his existence then so could these kids. It seemed to work after some time, he became a ghost of a student. He didn't have many friends but he didn't have many enemies either. It was around the age of thirteen that his father bought him an electric guitar and an amplifier. At first, he didn't know why his father had given him the instrument and it collected dust for months. He finally picked it up and spent weeks trying to learn how to play it, memorizing cords and getting used to the feeling of it pressing into his palms. It became his obsession, he couldn't focus on anything else as long as this instrument had his attention. He played for Maddie, learning songs that she liked and listening to her "oo" and "ahh" at the sounds of his fingers picking away at the strings. He played almost constantly, drowning the world out in song. It helped him get through school, gave him something to do that was easier and more interesting than socializing with people who didn't really care if he existed or not. He held no grudge for his mother or even for the school that paid him no mind, he just cared about that guitar and the beautiful sound that he could make with it. With some help from his father, he ended up attending Grand Ridge Academy. When he found that Grand Ridge was hosting a camping trip, he was eager to sign up. A change in scenery seemed like just the thing to inspire him.[/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=c4df9b] SKILLS & TALENTS [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"You ever met a guy who can play guitar while balancing a plate on a stick? No? Me neither."[/i] [indent][indent][indent] [b][color=c4df9b]Playing Guitar ⫻[/color][/b] Martin learned to play guitar when he was thirteen years old and he's been playing it ever since, it's the talent that he's most proud of. [b][color=c4df9b]Juggling ⫻[/color][/b] While this talent have proved to be mostly useless throughout his life, it's great for parties. He can juggle up to four things at a time. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=c4df9b] ABSTRACTION [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"If I ever identified with anything, it was shadows."[/i] [indent][indent] [b][color=c4df9b]SIGIL & LOCATION ⫻[/color][/b] A curling black shadow-like sigil on the back of his neck. [b][color=c4df9b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/color][/b] Shadow Generation: Generation and projection of shadows and darkness which absorb or nullifies light in the area. [b][color=c4df9b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/color][/b] This ability doesn't have many benefits or down sides. He can project formless shadows, making them shift about and flit around. He can also absorb the light in a given area, sending it into complete darkness but he can't hold it like that for very long. [b][color=c4df9b]IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MOUNTAIN ⫻[/color][/b] His ability to hold darkness into place becomes stronger, making it so he can hold it there for much longer. He can move with this, holding the darkness wherever he may go. His shadow manipulation becomes more clear, holding stable shapes rather than formless masses. [b][color=c4df9b]AURA SENSING ⫻[/color][/b] True to his shadow nature, he can sense the auras of people or animals that are hiding, this extends to a ten mile radius. [b][color=c4df9b]LIMITS ⫻[/color][/b] (DO NOT FILL THIS OUT, I WILL PROVIDE IT FOR YOU) [b][color=c4df9b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/color][/b] (DO NOT FILL THIS OUT, I WILL PROVIDE IT FOR YOU) [/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=c4df9b] OTHER [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"Endings are often bittersweet."[/i] [indent][indent] His theme song is Ghosting by Mother Mother.[/indent][/indent] [/hider] [@Surtr Inc] There's my CS.