If Carrie had been a normal woman, she would have been snake food. Fortunately for her, she wasn’t. A quick dip of her shoulder and a twist of her hips sent the serpent sailing past, though she did take a slicing wound to her shoulder. What was worse, she went into her maneuver right as Emily threw the car into a turn, causing Carrie to lose her balance and plummet to the asphalt. Carrie was in a bad way. The armored monster was slowly advancing from behind, but she couldn’t deal with it until she took out the snake, which had sped out of the storm drain for another assault. This time, though, it came at her face… which was the one place you didn’t want to attack a magical girl with elemental breath powers.. “Thunder Breath!” Carrie exhaled a blast of lightning, catching the snake full-on and sending it reeling. It didn’t finish the monster off, but it did give her a chance to get to her feet, staff at the ready. The snake circled her warily, not wanting a repeat of the previous rebuffed attack, and the armored monster was almost in range. She called out to Emily, “Yo! A little help would be nice here!”