[@Surtr Inc] Min's abstraction done; [hider=Abstraction][h3][u][b] ABSTRACTION [/b][/u][/h3] [i]"It makes learning new things a lot easier."[/i] [indent][indent] [b]SIGIL & LOCATION ⫻[/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2f/8e/d5/2f8ed5c95c2f30b63099c4a79d75d5ef.jpg]An eye on the back of his neck[/url] [b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b] Psychometry, the ability to perceive information from objects and people [b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b] Min’s abstraction allows him to gain knowledge about an object, or a person, through touch. This information varies. For objects it might be who made and used it, along with information about what has been done with it and how it is used. For people he learns about basic facts; their names, background, where they’ve recently been, what they’ve recently done and the like. He can discern knowledge off both people and objects. [b]IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MOUNTAIN ⫻[/b] In the presence of the mountain Min does not have to touch people – he can instead discern stuff from a short distance. Along with this it is possible for him to look deeper into a person, being able to replicate knowledge and skills they have. It allows him to go further into the past when looking at information related to objects. [b]AURA SENSING ⫻[/b] Min can see the auras of those who have a lot of knowledge – for example someone who is a professor in their field or who has done a lot of research into a specific topic. This has a range of about 30 metres but he has to concentrate to see the auras most of the time. [b]LIMITS ⫻[/b] (DO NOT FILL THIS OUT, I WILL PROVIDE IT FOR YOU) [b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b] (DO NOT FILL THIS OUT, I WILL PROVIDE IT FOR YOU) [/indent][/indent] [/hider]