[quote=@Prisk] Any particular reason why this question was ignored? [/quote] I probably missed it because I've been going back and forth between school and work the last few days. But, the relationship table is completely optional (just recommended that you have [i]some[/i] relations before the start of the RP). [hr] [quote=@PharaohAtem] [@Surtr Inc] just want to clearly a few things about the limits and weaknesses for limits you mentioned that she can only manipulate sound waves that travel directly to or from her but sound waver don’t travel directly to or from anything unlike wind that will blow in a set direction sound waves act more like ripples in a puddle spreading out in all directions form the source of the sound that created them so could you explain what you mean by this because I am a little confused by it other than that the limits are fine [/quote] I was tired last night when I wrote those... looking back, yeah, that doesn't make sense. So, yeah, I'll edit that out. [quote=@PharaohAtem] As for weakness I just a few questions with practice can she increase the time/ amount she can use her abilities before the side effects take hold? How long would the the side effects last? like her nausea for example and how long dose the nausea lasts after she stops using her powers is it like a hangover that last for a while after excessive use or dose it clear up fairly quickly as for the sound barrier I assume she can still see sound wave while this is up as you said it stops sound from flowing in or out of it but what about sound vibrations? for example you mentioned that she would effectively be deaf to sound while it was up but deaf people still play music although they don’t listen to it in the same sense we would they simply deal the vibrations the sound creates literally feeling the beat would this be possible with the barrier up? And finally would sound flow freely inside the barrier like would she be able to hear herself talk breathe or hear her music? [/quote] 1. I don't like putting numbers on everything (other than distance, of course), but I'd say that the nausea would take place immediately in lower amounts, and it'll last for a little while after she stops using her abstraction. 2. Karma can still hear her [i]own[/i] sounds, or sounds uncomfortably close to herself, but she cannot hear anything else. She is also still able to see sound waves using her aura reading. Hope that clears everything up. [hr] [@Prosaic] Martin is pretty good... just that his aura reading has waaaaaaaay too much range. I think one mile is good. Here are his weaknesses/limits... I didn't give him too many because he's a bit on the lower scale. [quote][b][color=c4df9b]LIMITS ⫻[/color][/b] Martin can only produce shadows in a line of sight radius, and any darkness he creates will fade if he breaks line of sight with it. He can cover around a fifteen meter radius in darkness, but the abstraction wears him down, so he can't do it for too long. On the other hand, this is one of the few Abstractions that the Awakened are not resistant to. [b][color=c4df9b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/color][/b] On the other hand, Martin cannot see through his own darkness, and it renders him blind as anyone else. In addition, it is completely ineffective against extra-sensory abilities, aura reading, or any senses beyond sight. [/quote] [hr] [@Fernstone] Min's abstraction is guuud. I'll write up Tuyan's abstraction first before I give him limits/weaknesses.