[center][h1][color=gold] Cymbeline Lockhart [/color][/h1][/center] [hr] The mage ran her magic into a sigil placed on her cloak, a minor protective sigil that was meant for things like guarding against pickpockets and their ilk. It wouldn't harm any faeries who tried to get close, but would rebuff them and physical keep them from getting to her things. It was the most passive she could think to guard them off with, as she didn't want to take more severe actions as Sir Tiral had. Sure, she had the idea of where he was coming from, but at the same time didn't want to risk things too much in regards to these things. Couldn't be too careful then. She then looked over at Sir Indrau, giving a nod as she watched him try to negotiate with the smaller beings. Hopefully they would be receptive, at least since the older knight hadn't flicked them and such, since such information might be able to help them out. Though seeing Tiral also moved about to collect pieces of bunrt wood chunks left over from the blast of whatever sigil was on that tree, Cymbeline furrowed her brows in thought. If naught else, she could begin an investigation with one of the remaining chunks around here, whilst Tiral perhaps had the time to do no in-depth methods on the amount he had taken. Leaning down, the mage inspected one of the larger chunks closest to her, the steam and smoke from the heat of the blast seemingly still trailing off of it and into the air. Though she didn't touch it, she used her finger to draw a sigil around it on the cooled-down spot of dirt around it. It was a sigil commonly used by her teachers at the Mage's College in her hometown to do initial analysis on new substances or experiments. Something used to help gague the level of magical energy involved in something affected by a spell, as well as assist in determining the general, base nature of a given spell. Nothing of detail for sure, but a very basic means of investigation. "Time to see what this thing has to tell us...at least on the fly," Cymbeline noted, running her magic into the sigil in order to activate its effects, the information going to be fed directly into her mind by the magic of the sigil in question. [hr] [center][h1][color=crimson] Elissa Lockhart [/color][/h1][/center] [hr] The lord's mind was addled beyond what she had initially thought, it seemed, and there was no doubt at this point that magic was involved for sure. Unable to perceive weapons or such, perhaps this was a curse that had been placed on the lord to keep him from commanding the defense of his town? It seemed rather likely, to be sure, that such an idea would be tactically notable. But she herself had no means of really determining the nature of this stuff, unlike her sister whom was absent and perhaps with some of the others who had gone towards the forest. What a bother. "The man can't perceive weapons, it seems," the more serious twin noted aloud, for the other knights and others in their immediate vicinity to hear, "Not even his own sword. No wonder he didn't know a battle was going on here, he's been addled himself to be blinded from the truth."