[center][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/fadd/th/pre/f/2010/356/a/4/pirate_knight_by_xiaman-d35gbxa.jpg[/img] [h3][b]The Iron Lobster[/b][/h3][/center] The age-old leader of a band of pirates, the Iron Lobster is a narcissistic and cruel man. It has been fortold that him and his crew used to sail the seas on their vessel, raiding every sort of boat that was unfortunate enough to fall within their reaches. The plundered loot was all sent back to West Santa Destroy, in attempts to compile their horde as high as it can in pursuits of being some of the richest people alive, even enough to buy the entirety of a continent to make theirs. Lobster himself is an expert sword-fighter, relying on hit-and-run strategies to achieve a victory while using brute strength to absorb blows if it got past armor. While lacking in special moves or any abilities of the supernatural variety, Lobster makes up for it with his physical capabilities as he alone was told to have had wrestled a kraken and won. His beam scimitar is a highly-valuable weapon capable of quite a lot, but it requires sufficient skill to use, which Lobster also has. The man also carries around his trusted flintlock, capable of shooting bullets that would make the military blush with envy. His mooks are simple pirates, armed with flintlocks and normal sabers. They don't carry a lot of firepower, and they aren't resilient, but there is a considerable amount of them to have to fight through.