Isabella Scott Red Jasper Forest Clearing [hr] Isabella grunted in mild pain, applying some disinfectant to the small cut on her forehead. That last match had gone well, if only because she beat the other guy up worse than she had gotten beaten. A few cuts and bruises on her end, and maybe a fractured bone or two. Nothing serious that she couldn't deal with after a few days of rest. The next fight wouldn't be for awhile anyways, and she had always been a fast healer. She had only been doing the fights out of curiosity to start with after stumbling on them, but for the past month or so...well, she had been enjoying them. underground fighting rings weren't something she'd thought she'd ever be doing, heh, but damn it if they weren't fun. The redhead smirked to herself in the mirror, taking a moment to fix a few strands of hair. Boy, she looked terrible, but nothing like a good hot bath to fix that. First things first though, she had to get home and [i]not[/i] have anyone get curious as to what happened. Living in a place that would cost most peoples a month salary to live in did have its drawbacks, so she had stopped by a fast food place to fix up her appearance just a bit and get some dinner. [color=f7941d]"...huh?"[/color] She stopped, glancing towards the mirror. She thought she saw something move in it. that she looked at it more, something was off about the entire thing. It was her reflection, and the reflection of the restroom...but something felt off about it all. gave her an oddly unsettled feeling. The kind that made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. She frowned, taking a quick look around the one else was in here, and it was pretty late at night. She had probably just been watching too many horror movies lately. Still...maybe she could skip the food and get home. Isabella made a quick exit. Her apartment wasn't too far away, just a quick few blocks over in the more wealthy part of the downtown area. She greeted the doorman with her usual nonchalant wave and walked inside, heading for the elevator and taking it to one of the top floors. She should maybe try and find a job or something. Sure, she had taken enough of her dads money to live comfortably for the rest of her life if she spent it wisely, but it'd still be nice to have some source of income. Thoughts for later. She walked into her apartment. Well furnished, and probably the exact opposite that you'd expect someone like her to live in. She yawned, stretching tiredly as she walked into the bathroom, turning the water for the shower on so it'd get hot, glancing into the mirror before she went about getting undressed. ...wait, that can't be right. [color=f7941d]"...Either I'm going crazy or I hit my head harder than I thought..."[/color] She frowned, staring into the mirror. Oh certainly, it [i]was[/i] her reflection staring back at her...but the mirror showed something quite out of place. It showed a tree, growing right in the middle of her shower. She blinked, taking a look behind her just to see nothing. When she turned back to the mirror, it was even worse. The bathroom had been entirely replaced with an outdoorsy landscape of some sort. creepy, outdoorsy landscape. Densely packed, but trees with sparse foliage...a large, black obelisk in the distance. [color=f7941d]"Okay, I think I seriously need to see a doctor..."[/color] Despite saying that, she couldn't help but to feel fascinated. It couldn't be a simple hallucination could it? A day dream of sorts? She couldn't be sure, but it fascinated her on some level. So she reached out and touched the mirror. Immediately upon doing so, gravity almost seemed to shift, pulling her towards the mirror as it shattered into dozens of pieces. [color=f7941d]"What-the!?"[/color] She couldn't speak, falling through an endless silver void, watching a small window of light that was her bathroom as she fell into whatever world was behind the mirror, tiny shards of glass falling with her. Then there was the familiar feeling of pressure and the feeling of being submerged in water as gravity seemed to shift again, pulling her upwards towards the surface of some light. [color=f7941d]"Son of a bitch-!" [/color]She broke the surface of a small pond of water, thankfully surfacing near the shore of it. [color=f7941d]"Ugh, damn it...the fuck!?"[/color] She sputtered, taking a moment to catch her breath before she pushed herself to her knees and took a look at her surrounding area. Oddly, she was dry despite having just taken a little swim. She was in the same forest she had seen in the mirror, it looked like. She shakily stood to her feet. [color=f7941d]"The hell am I supposed to do in a forest?!"[/color] She had never spent any amount of time out doors in her life. Being a city girl through and through, she was definitely not cut out to rough it in a forest. She took a few steps away from the pond, quickly checking her pockets for things that could help. Gloves, her cellphone - if cliches were to be followed, no signal and a coupon for subway. Nothing else. She hadn't exactly been expecting to go on a camping trip. hmm...wait, was that someone's voice? She quietly approached where she thought she heard someone speaking. It didn't take her long to find a man and another woman standing about and talking. Seemingly in the same situation she was in. Isabella frowned, running her hands across the bangles on her wrist, the familiar article of clothing always having brought her a small comfort. So...she could introduce herself, but she could not just as well. People were tiring, after all...but it might be a good idea to at least say hi. If they tried anything funny she'd just break their legs. [color=f7941d]"...yo."[/color] She casually walked up to the two, giving them a wave. A girl wearing a black jacket, jeans, and boots who looked a tad bit roughed up was probably not the most comforting people to meet in a situation like this. Not to mention her typical neutral expression. [color=f7941d]"So either of you know what's going on? Or are you as clueless as me?"[/color]