[@EchoicChamber][@Skinner35] Hi Echo [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/famous-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180302/0d34f3188671e3e571f2c9d1772285c5.png[/img][/url][/center][hr][hr] [color=B52D83]Name:[/color]Pandora [color=B52D83]Alias:[/color]Pandora [color=B52D83]Powers:[/color][Hider=Probability Manipulation] (Bad Luck) Pandora manipulates the probability of an event making unlikely things occur more often or instantly and preventing liable events from happening. Thus, unlikely phenomena will occur. Among the many phenomena are: the sudden melting of gun barrels, the spontaneous combustion of any flammable object, the rapid rust or decay of various organic and inorganic materials, the poltergeist-like deflection of an object in flight, the sudden evacuation of air from a given volume the disruption of energy transmissions and fields, and so on.[/Hider] [Hider=Tychokinetic Combat]Pandora is able to utilize probability manipulation with her physical combat, making her lucky, or to induce bad luck on others, making absorbing her opponents luck or make the most unlikely things happen. [/Hider] Enhanced Agility Skills: Advanced gymnastic skills acrobatics, Skilled hand-to-hand combatant, Tactician [color=B52D83]Background:[/color]Born in unknown parts Pandora's life is a bit of a mystery and when quizzed on it she often gives fantastic descriptions and is known to contradict her previous stories. What is know is that she is not born on earth and possibly not even this dimension, at least that the story most common to her; this is doubtful but she sticks by it. She has no traceable past or even a last name and goes by the name Pandora but says there is no connection between herself and that mythological woman. [center][u][color=B52D83]Appearance[/color] [/u] [IMG]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/fc7785d3-5b45-46c6-a079-9306578be91c.jpg[/IMG][/center] [color=B52D83]Equipment:[/color]N/A [color=B52D83]Personality:[/color] Chaotic, Pandora seems to revel in being unpredictable but this could be a facade simply to keep others at a distance because of her power's side effect of causing Bad luck randomly to those closest to her. Her curiosity is her most honest emotion and borders on obsessive, she can't stand an unopened box. [color=B52D83]Other:[/color] (Limitations) May cause unintentional effects to happen that could not be beneficial to others around her making her presence a constant worry to people she regularly associates with (Her Jinx ability is always active and when not used on a regular basis affects those closest around her friend or foe regardless.) She suffers from a lack of memory as far as her past goes or she compulsively lies about it and shows no regret when pinned by her own contradictions. She also suffers from OCD her primary quirk being intensive curiosity to the point of trespassing on the space of others (Breaking into rooms, closets, safes, mail, anything closed she feels the need to open.) [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/4ber5Dd6KFY[/youtube][/center]