[@Atrophy] Accepted [quote][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b] Rita's abstraction suffers from two obvious limits; sound and eye contact. If nobody can hear her, they are immune. Same goes for those who aren't making eye contact with her. Rita's abstraction is interesting when it comes to other Awakened, they are resistant to it, but not completely immune. An Awakened that is unaware of her abstraction may find themselves unintentionally answering her questions, but they feel a psychic pull in their skull telling them that something is wrong. If they find out her Abstraction, then they'll be able to resist her abstraction. [b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b] Rita's abstraction, not the strongest, has a peculiar weakness; she finds it difficult to lie herself. She unconsciously tells the truth even when it's foolish to do so, unless she tries extremely hard to lie - even then it comes out strained and forced. [/quote]