[center][color=red][h1]Silhouette[/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/I15iaon.jpg[/img] [color=red]"Unseen and unheard."[/color] [/center] In the last moments before the Earth Bastion had gone from Earth to the Overcity, Silhouette had made her move. She darted from one hiding place to the next as she advanced upon the ship and eventually jump into the side and clung to it, crawling higher up until she found a place on the side she could wedge her arm into. With the application of stasis on the limb, it was more likely that the Earth Bastion would break before her arm did, and Sil probably didn't have to worry about that happening anytime soon. Of course, the police had not stopped firing their weapons at the ship or at Sil herself, as it was likely they were under the impression she was a part of this weird group. Thankfully for her, there was absolutely nothing they owned that could even scratch Silhouette's costume. It was quite sturdy even for a magical girl's, and even had they landed a blow on her exposed head, it wouldn't have been anything her regeneration wouldn't take care of immediately. Her biggest threat would be getting discovered by the other Mahou Shoujo aboard this vessel, which she succeeded in avoiding for now, which was indicated by her unimpeded crossing of the portal created. [hider=Unseen][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJz9N3odqGg[/youtube][/hider] It was unpleasant though, to say the least. She didn't exactly have the most comfortable position on the boat...thing that this had become since she'd sabotaged it. Still, she managed to hold on and once the Earth Bastion had completely gotten through, she had no problems. [i][color=red]This place looks... odd.[/color][/i] The Dark Magical Girl did not care much for this strange scenery. It was unfamiliar and that meant more for her to be cautious of while she attempted to complete her mission. At least on Earth, she knew exactly what to expect but here? With dragons and checkered floors, this was beginning to look a lot like some fantasy realm a kid invented. Only much less 'fun' looking. She'd need to be careful more than anything while she was here. Sil was not blessed with a natural ability to traverse between Earth and this place. To get home, she'd either need to stowaway once more upon the Earth Bastion, or she would need to rely on Veronica setting something up. Due to the limited time she had to begin the mission, Silhouette was not able to confirm anything solid as a means of escaping this place, but it didn't make sense for Veronica to leave a pawn like Sil out with no way to return, so in the most basic way possible, Silhouette trusted she wouldn't be entirely out of options should she not be able to stick to the ship again. In one way, however, things did go smoothly for Silhouette. The surrounding area was rather dark, and seeing a fair distance out was all but impossible to those not gifted special vision. This boded well for Sil, who wished to remain unseen for the time being. As soon as was possible, she jumped from the side of the ship and made her way to the outer edge of the light, where spotting her just about impossible. Nobody would accidentally catch sight of her, and anybody attempting to use magical methods that could spot her would stand out due to her Third Eye, so she could relocate or adjust her distance in that case. Hopefully, this was enough to allow the assassin to tail the...Bastion for now.