Alto was gone. There were two other Student Council members finishing their duties, but the Student Council President had left before them. The remaining members almost didn't notice William entering. "Oh William? Were you looking for Alto?" One of them asked. Narrative role of familiarity made them see him as another council member. That reaction perhaps meant another council member had entered in a similar manner. "He left a little while ago, he still had time to organize his desk though." If William were to go to his desk, he'd see some stacks of papers. It was mostly admin work for tournament preparations, but there was something more interesting underneath. A bit of a dossier on Mephisto, it would seem. 'Photocopy' was clearly printed on the corner. It contained information on Mephisto's known history and businesses, but nothing much about his personal life or anything about him really. It did however contain information on where his businesses were located. Why Alto had this was anyone's guess, but if William was having difficulty with getting leads, perhaps starting a little bit smaller in scale might help. [@Letter Bee]