[centre][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/360327250866077698/400881119387582467/Sarah_Ember.png?width=400&height=71[/img][/centre] Appearance- A good word to describe Sarah would be [b]Big[/b]. The main reason for this being her absurd height of 6'6 and weight of around 220lbs, having lived on a farm for the larger portion of her life gave her clear cut muscle, it not overly defined but if she were to flex you would be able to very clearly see it. She is also very well off in the curves department having great assets to work with that go together to create a shapely figure. [hider=Sarah] [img]http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/19160d332a9054dc2caa1d4e49f42c8a[/img] [/hider] Name- Sarah Ember Age- 18 Species- Human Aura Color- bright orange. Semblance- Pyre: Sarah has an unusually large pool of arua to draw from, but this is due to the nature of her semblance Pyre. Sarah's semblance allows her to coat her to super heat her body, this heavily burns through aura but can get extremely hot easily burning flesh and even melting metal if given enough time. The mmajor drawbacks of her semblance are the aura cost and the lack of control in stressful situations. Namely when Sarah is provoked she heats up automatically which can easily lead to dealing damage she didn't want to do, she also automatically heats up a small amount when flustered or embarrassed the heat isn't enough to burn you but you would surly notice the temperature change if you were sitting next to her. Weapon- Tempered Carnage: Tempered Carnage is a large cobalt colored minigun that measures in at an impressive 6 feet long and weighing a huge 400lbs. This huge weapon transforms into an equally massive tower shield in which the barrels are spaced across it's front. Much like Sarah herself this weapon is all out attack or defense, it's barrels also heat up very quickly reaching red hot temperatures withing 10 seconds of unloading normal rounds. This process is all intentional and is why the barrels shift to be on the front of the shield form, she basically gets a super heated smashing board to grill grimm with. Admittedly the shields integrity is not as great when the barrels are heated. Other Equipment- Sarah is sure to carry a supply of coolant made from ice dust so she can cool off her gun after using it for a while. She also sprays it on herself sometimes if she's heated up due to anger. History- Sarah was a simple farm girl for the largest part of her life, she would manage the animals and help out her family and go to school just like anyone else. She was actually fairly ordinary in school, except for being very tall that is. She was well behaved and got decent grades in everything only excelling in sports, but then she decided to pick up a wrestling class as a dare from her friend. Honestly her friend just wanted to see her pile drive some people, which she assumed wouldn't be hard for Sarah given her size and excellent physical condition. Sarah's friend wasn't disappointed, in fact she was amazed how much zeal Sarah showed in combat. This single dare made Sarah's life change she had finally found her passion, and it was combat. She started learning everything there was to know about fighting, eventually enrolling at signal academy and later Beacon. Sarah would train hard at school and then train hard at home, it was hard to talk to Sarah without her bringing up how she uppercut a guy or knocked over a tree with her weapon. She thought nothing could stop her, but then the "Calm" broke and the hordes of Grimm set in. Not only killing her entire family but also destroying her school as well. It was now most of all that she knew she was to become a huntress, so she could wipe every last one of the monsters off the face of the planet. Personality- Sarah is a friendly and fairly blunt person, there is a very weak filter between what she thinks and what she says. She's very open not keeping many secrets unless asked to by someone else or ones of personal importance. You could meet her for the first time and she would tell you everything from her name, all the way down to her slight fetish for short people (Which most people are compared to her). She can also be fairly hot headed in some maters not liking showboats or cocky people, unless of coarse they can back up their claims, then she'd probably ask to fight them. There is a notable shift in Sarah's demeanor when Grimm are involved in the conversation or situation. Her hot headed side is much more visible but so is her love for combat, it is not uncommon for Sarah to laugh as she tries to pry apart a grimm's mouth with her hands. She enjoys killing them purely out of spite these days and the only fights she has true fun with are friendly sparring matches. Sarah is also fiercely protective of her friends not afraid to sock someone in the face if they insult or threaten one of her mates. She is also a big hater of racism having greeted many of their heads to the floor in the past. And her tolerance for rude behavior has only diminished since the apocalypse. Fighting Style- With Sarah you get what you see. A wall of bullets is normally how she opens up against an enemy wanting to get her shield nice and hot early on, her brutish approach to combat is of rushing down her opponent with a hail of gunfire then a barrage of mighty shield bashes is her most commonly used strategy. But sometimes there are opponents that are to strong of fast for her bulldozer technique, this is when she will cool off her weapon and her head and play it defensively by shoving a wall of metal in the enemies general direction. She can be very brutal with how she kills grimm sometimes putting her weapon away altogether and just planting her super heated hands through their skull or other body parts. She manages to not be helpless when unarmed but she has no real defense without her shield, and her speed is somewhat lacking making it hard for her do deal with fast opponents. Other- Sarah loves hugs.