[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4606184][img]https://i.imgur.com/xHRITQ4.png[/img][/url][/center] As she set foot inside the city Arwyn couldn't believe what she saw around her. It was even worse than she'd feared. As far as she could see there was nothing but rough stone and butchered wood, and between the haphazardly built structures more humans than she'd seen in her life, all in one place at the same time. Already she noted the eyes turning in her direction, and knew that she must've been an unusual sight for these barbarous savages. Her tall, slender frame with the exquisitely tailored armour hugging her athletic form perfectly would obviously upset the uncultured louts, whose own bodies seemed like short, pudgy sacks to her elven eyes. Taking a moment to centre herself, the Shadowbow summoned her cloak around her, letting the air solidify into a thick black shadow which hung down from her shoulders and flowed up over her head into the shape of a hood. The disguise was clumsy by her standards, but as she made her way down the street Arwyn was satisfied to see the humans turning back to their rustic tasks. Pulling the parchment she'd received from her pouch, Arwyn quickly scanned over the instructions before glancing around her to get her bearings. From what she'd been told her destination should be the large stone structure in the centre of the city, but although she could see the building from when she was, the low buildings between her and it seemed to be blocking her path most inconveniently. With a troubled sigh the elf quickened her pace and quickly scrambled up the wall before flipping onto the rooftop with one fluidly motion. The path was a lot clearer now, with the tiles and thatches stretching ahead leading a stright path to her destination. Only a few minutes later Arwyn dropped down into the courtyard of the castle, spooking several horses tied up nearby, as well as the soldiers guarding the main entrance. [color=6ecff6]"I'm here as commanded,"[/color] the elf said in sombre tones, holding the parchment before her for inspection. Gathering his wits one of the guards qucikly read the notice before nodding his head with a disheartened smile. [color=silver]"Very good, Ma'am. If you'd please follow my associate he'll take you to the main hall."[/color] With a wave of his hand the armoured human clumsily gestured to another of his kind, who saluted messily before turning away and moving though the archway into the building. Taking this as an indication to follow Arwyn made her way through the hallways and passages before finally arriving at the meeting room. Nodding her gratitude to the guard, the elf pushed the door open and found herself face to face with yet another human. There were so many of them it was surprising they managed to find any space to themselves. This new human seemed to be expecting something, so Arwyn handed over the parchemnt with an unintentded flourish. [color=6ecff6]"Arwyn Dúlóth Gurthchwest Thúlnún of Glad-o Dú. I come in search of my destiny."[/color] Gunthrum eyed the document suspiciously before gesturing over to the waiting seats. [color=f7976a]"Very good, mi'lady. If you would ake a seat we shall soon be beginning."[/color] Making her way over to the nearest waiting chair Arwyn lowered herself down onto the uncomfortable seat, her eyes darting cautiously over the other humans in the room. They all seemed skilled to the limited degree any human could, although Arwyn was a little uncertain of the short one. Was he a dwarf, or was he really as young as he seemed?