[center][hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=8A2BE2]Alexandra Andonova[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/VjWx2Pu3Ytsxq/giphy.gif[/img][/center][center][I][h3][color=8A2BE2]Uh-oh, there it goes, I said too much, it overflowed. Why do I always spill? I feel it coming out my throat Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap [/color][/h3][/I][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElVp4bewncs][color=8A2BE2]- [I]"Soap" by Melanie Martinez[/I][/color][/url][/center] [hr][hr][center][b][color=8A2BE2]Location:[/color][/b] Ville au Camp - Kitchen House [b][color=8A2BE2]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [/center][hr] Alexandra let out a breathy sigh, deflating slightly at The Hat's words. [color=8A2BE2]"Yes, yes. Vait until the end of the orientation to ask questions,"[/color] she retorted, rolling her eyes. [color=8A2BE2]"You can't blame a girl for trying."[/color] She glanced up and over at him with a smile on her face as she brushed past him to enter the kitchen house. The Dice woman's words hit her ears just as the smell of food similarly wafted to her nose. Her eyes widened a bit and her mouth watered at the sight and smell of food. She loved food, and right now, she realized that she was absolutely starving. She hadn't eaten since--[I]damn[/I], she hadn't eaten since the early 1800s!! [color=8A2BE2]"You don't have to tell me tvice,"[/color] she piped up in response to Eve saying to help yourself. She rushed/bounced over to the table laid out with a decent enough array of food and drinks. She went to grab a plate but once again realized she was still holding her shoes in her hand. She frowned slightly, looking down at the ridiculous heels. She looked up again and glanced around. She wanted to just chunk them across the room, or maybe into the trash, or toss them across the room [I]into[/I] the trash. No no, that would be seen as rude. Instead she just opted to hide them under the table. [I]There. Out of sight and out of mind. Now for more important matters. Food.[/I] She grabbed a plate and napkin and then began making one hell of a sandwich. It had a bit of [I]everything[/I]. One would most certainly do a double take and immediately wonder where all that food went. I mean look at her. She's so skinny. Maybe using sarcasm is the secret to a fast metabolism. Who knows. Once Alexandra had stockpiled food onto her plate and grabbed herself a glass of whatever was offered, she plopped herself down at the nearest seat. She wasted no time wolfing down her food as she listened to The Dice resume the orientation. However, she paused her food inhalation as Eve's voice grew noticeably dire. She looked over at the woman, watching as the Emendator's once stoic façade broke to show the true raw emotions that were just below the surface. [I]Loss.[/I] Alexandra knew all to well about loss. Her parents had been murdered by a couple of Yagababa, leaving her an orphan in an ever dangerous Soulless infested world. She swallowed the food in her mouth. Her lips thinned as she watched Eve dredge through the painful memories to continue the lesson. She felt she understood the woman better now. Loss could change a person. Yet the woman also held such strength in the face of adversary, and Alexandra respected her more for it. She placed her plate with her nearly finished meal aside to listen wholeheartedly to The Dice. A wide range of thoughts and emotions could be read plainly on her face as she listened with her head tilted slightly to the side. There was intrigue, confusion, surprise, anticipation, and more. It all seemed to spin and churn within her in a crude mixture. Yet, in the end, one feeling could be felt above the rest. She felt a sense of purpose. She felt herself sitting up straighter, her eyes lit up with anticipation. Alexandra nodded her head in understanding as Eve wrapped up this part of the orientation. A devilish smirk came to her features when she was told who she would be paired with. [I]Oh, sweet father of giants, you better prepare yourself.[/I] She stood up, grabbing her plate to throw it away. She walked past Gilbert along her way, a smirk still plastered to her face. [color=8A2BE2]"It looks like you are stuck vith me nov,"[/color] she teased, wagging her brows at him. She then let out a small chuckle as she moved past him. Just then, a crackle of thunder reverberated through the air, startling her. She let out a gasp, dropping her plate of leftovers on the ground as she whipped around wide eyed. Her gaze went to Eve then Gilbert then Andromeda. Weather manipulator? [color=8A2BE2]"Come again?"[/color] she stated.