[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=cca78e]Giosue Zino[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/3o6Zt2bcxvpiTQpZio/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Ville au Camp: Main House: Room 202->Kitchen House Front Porch [b]Skills: N/A[/b][/center][hr] [color=cca78e]"That's what being distracted is,"[/color] Gio corrected her as he made his way across the room. As he walked, he stopped to pick up the caramels he had accidentally assaulted Nancy with and threw them away into one of the waste bins he had tucked away in convenient, but out of the way locations around the room. Once he made it to his desk, he pulled from a draw an index card and jotted down a reminder for the two of them (but mostly Nancy) to tell Eve about the reading she had had about the cat in Justice. The closest thing to a reaction he gave the lightning bolt and thunder was a couple blinks. He probably should go find the Paradoxes before they got too wrapped up in discovering their new lives. But before he left, he walked back over to the bedside where Nancy's garments lay. Third time's the charm? Gio was resolved to not make such a poor showing twice in a row and leave it at that. Luckily he'd left the clothes open enough so that he could simply reach inside the pocket and fetch another candy. Given that the last two times he'd hit her in the nose, he figured that he would go for a more shallow arc. However, this time when he went for the throw, he underestimated how much force to put into the toss, and it ended up falling short of Nancy's position entirely. He stared at it blankly for a few seconds, and then left the room without a word. Had any other onlookers been there they likely could have and would have mentally inserted any number of emotions in there. After a bit of searching, he managed to track down where Alicia and some of the Paradoxes seemed to be gathered (notably missing Eve and Gilbert). As he approached, Gio steeled himself for all sorts of tomfoolery, but still did his best to put on a winning smile. No need to introduce himself with antagonism. That would come later. [color=cca78e]"Salutations, everyone,"[color] he called out with a big wave. [color=cca78e]"I've no doubts that you all have been given the briefing on your general situation by this point. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Giosue Zino, known as the watch. Gio or "Joe" will do if your tongue can't quite wrap itself around Italian. And who all might you be?"[/color] He needed to find Gil and/or Eve, but pleasantries and introductions must be attended to properly. So he was likely stuck here for a bit.