I did another thing [hider=Juniper Bug][center][h2][color=00BFFF][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180302/eb8525e3bb8d09c54f45c046d875194f.png[/img][/color][/h2][hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00BFFF]"The Shield-bug of Justice is here!"[/color][/i][/b][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yzoilvi.jpg[/img] [sup]5'5" - 123 | Five Years On The Beat[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [b]|[u]Birth Name [/u]|[/b] » Juniper Bug [b]|[u]Hails From [/u]|[/b] » The Juniper Hive » December 28. (24 years old) [b]|[u]Fighting Style [/u]|[/b] » Juniper Bug fights crime and fights for justice with agility and precision, which is to say that despite not having wings she does seem to fly. A high flyer mixed with punching strikes (comic book sound effects not included) combines with a never-say-die attitude. She doesn't float like a butterfly but she does sting like a Juniper Bug. She will never resort to underhanded tactics to win and her biggest, greatest asset is the amount of gas she has in her tank. It wouldn't do well if she could only manage to run and jump for five minutes before slowing to a crawl. An aerial striker with an infectious spirit. [b]|[u]Signature Moves [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1E15xQliKw]MARVEL-ous Missile Dropkick[/url] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChuDRL6nDZQ]VERTIGO[/url] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jq1Q-QcTLeU]IMAGE Elbow[/url] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xUkHnUSqHg]DARK HORSE Dragonrana[/url] [b]|[u]Finisher [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv5kSPg_m6Q]Bug Bite[/url] [b]|[u]Theme [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Iqskd_Vq8]Steve McQueen - M83[/url] [b]|[u]Gimmick [/u]|[/b] » Juniper Bug is, in every sense of the word, a superhero. Her attire, which is always poppy bright colors of blues, whites, greens, and yellows (and all emblazoned with her heroic insignia) looks as if she popped out of the pages of a comic book, slapped on a wrestling mask, and trotted down to the ring. Which isn't all that far off. She takes her position as a hero seriously, always wanting to inspire the audience - particularly the young viewers - and always being the first to sign on for press tours or guest appearances. In a way, wrestling is like superheroes in the flesh. They may not save the world from destruction but they can still bring hope and inspiration and justice to the bad guys. Her trademark is coming down to the ring and giving her mask to a young person in the crowd; it's okay, she has a mask on underneath just for that occasion. When her words and out-of-ring persona don't tell enough of her heroism, her in-ring ability does the job. High flying, exciting, hard hitting action combined with a never-say-die attitude makes for a heroic clash anytime she's in the ring. [b]|[u]Face or Heel [/u]|[/b] » Heroic Face [b]|[u]Backstage Rep [/u]|[/b] » No one can deny her commitment to the character and ultimately that determines how people view her. Some find her annoying to constantly stay in character even when in the locker room, others find a bit of admiration in it. What can't be looked down on is her willingness to involve herself with the fans either via social media or in-person appearances. Rumor has it that there's a bounty for anyone who can find a picture or video of her without the mask on but she's notoriously crafty about ensuring the mask stays on whenever she needs to make an appearance. She has to keep her civilian identity a secret otherwise the villains would know how to get at her, duh. [b]|[u]Other [/u]|[/b] » Janey Britannico[/hider]