Sensing the approach of the aquatic paladin Safira felt a little bit bolstered. But the uplifting feeling didn't last as Bernie managed to recover from her heavy blow to the face and lashed out, like the coward that he was, at the only defenseless target. Safira's blood ran cold as the bandits' captain hurled curses and insults Warren's way. And then proceeded to throw a dagger at him. [i]Gods be damned! I should have cut him free. He's a sitting duck with his hands tied like that![/i] The blood huntress growled in Bernie's face, bringing the butt of her scimitar to collide with the brigand’s chin. However at that very moment she heard Callie calling for Warren, sounding so very scared. It was enough to throw Safira's aim off just enough misjudging her approach by an inch. The hilt of her blade grazed Bernies' busted nose and the edge of her weapon caressed his chin. The huntress readjusted her stance to compensate and pointed the tip of her scimitar towards the head bandit's nose. "Keep your tongue, scum, or next time I won't hesitate to bash your teeth in!" She touched the tip of her scimitar to Bernie's nose, the lightning energy still crackling all over the blade. "Now be a man and accept defeat." She paused, scoffed and added. "Oh, that's right, you're not a man. You're a pathetic little coward that uses scared children as a shield." Safira's words were dripping with scorn and vile. The darkness in her heart reigniting upon hearing Callie’s distraught voice. "For the last time." The blood huntress growled menacingly. "Stand down." Safira paused. "Or die!" She pressed the tip of her weapon to Bernie's nose. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to allow the lightning to zing his skin. [hider=Mechanics]Safira attacks Bernie, with the intent to knock him out, not kill, but misses with [url=]11[/url]. She stays put and tries one last time to persuade Bernie, and by extension, his gang, to stand down... or die![/hider]