[center][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/ce28/i/2008/110/b/a/dream_world_by_spraycan2.jpg[/img] They say the scariest part of your mind is a lucid dream you can't wake up from. Your muscles are heavy, drunk and sluggish. And you know exactly why, you aren't in the real world anymore. You are somewhere unfamiliar, but also super familiar, the part of yourself you dont dare search into, as its true contents unlocked woud probably drive you mad. On this occasion you have benefit of an attractive view. A dark purple space atmosphere with the earth in full view, of course you dont quesiton how you got here. But you can see that aren't alone... [b]Kilo, Rana, Mayuri and Gareth[/b] are floating in a loose formation directly in front of the light of the eclipsed planet. All silent and docile, and all seem to be sharing the same dream. There are others floating too, hidden by the shadows but all glowing with the light of a distinct colour. And suddenly a voice speaks, deep and as dark as the very space itself. The tone is wise but also commanding. [color=662d91][i]Conduit Stones.....somehow you have managed to obtain them. Some as discarded treasures, some as family heirlooms passed down, some as good luck trinkets. But you have all unkowingly tied yourself to the [b]Mythic Wars [/b] of old the struggle of the [b]Lost Empires[/b]. What you do with this power id your choice alone, but know you will no longer be the rare individuals you once were. For the first time, foolish humanity is trying to artificially [b]re-create[/b] the conduit stones to tap into the power of the BattleMages, and their goals are profit and power. But they have no idea the danger they pose to not only the public but themselves by trying to bring false magic into the delicate ether. Be on your guard, trust in your battlemages....I will be watching. [/i][/color] The bass of the voice became deeper and deeper until it was literally bone shaking. As the last word was uttered, beams of coloured light shot from the floor, and figures started to approach the ring holders. 4 of the figures [b][color=fff200]Bastion The Brave[/color] [color=0072bc]Ranca the Scorned[/color] [color=black]Master Izayoi[/color] and [color=gray]Jaques Leroux[/color][/b] all approached their new masters, and with an embrace the space went white, and you were woken up......just in time for school.... [/center]