[center][h1][color=8882be]Lumen Kresnik[/color][/h1] [@Lonewolf685][/center] Lumen didn't know what to think at first. Whether if the animal companion was some sort of elaborate ruse to snatch away at their attention or if the initial statement was her attempt of an opening joke. Lumen couldn't make hands or tails because the setting and context of the class really didn't seem to mesh together with the school, the teacher and much less an animal that seemed more attentive if it should scratch it's left ear or the right. A service animal? Why would she-- The class resumed with a strong tap of the white board while this... dog? Chewed on the desk leg like an infant pup that's desperate due to its teething. Economics class, huh? How would he know, he never had to manage money once in his life. He's been poor and homeless, technically. The shelter did everything for him when it came to provisions, shelter and food. The value of a dollar was something that he gained through not having an at all, so perhaps this class reassured Lumen that he would certainly fail. Grasping the flame he cast with the grip of his hand, extinguishing its existence in a subtle grasp he continued to listen, only to have their eyes connect. This shouldn't be a problem though, he was hooded and didn't have direct eye- [color=ed145b]"Mr. Kresnik. In the future I'd appreciate if you could keep your hood down in class. I've had one too many aspiring mages use it to sneak naps in."[/color] [i]Fuck.[/i] Out of all the things, she went to this one. Maybe he could explain, but to be frank he didn't think she'd care much about it. Turning to the classmate that were now delivering their sight to his presence... He felt a tinge of anxiety boil up his chest and a nervous laughter escaped him, a mean to deal with the situation. Smiles are the perfect solution to defuse any out come that might arise... Yeah, he should explain, maybe this would- [color=ed145b]"Now then, perhaps you can help me fill in the blanks here. Tell me, given the resources put into Hikari, what are we expected to produce upon your graduation?"[/color] [i]WHY ME!?[/i] Unlucky, this is what he gets for questioning things he shouldn't about people he didn't know about. The universe was starting to retaliate, bellowing in his ear about his lane and questioning why he decided to stay out of it. Maybe he should've skipped, yeah that sounds... Wait, what was he thinking? Something over took him, a thought that peered into the back of his head. Something that illuminated his curiosity and began to boil within a thought. Rumination took place, and he removed his hood. Demonstrating his face towards the myriad of the class. [color=8882be]"Well, if I'd give the most common answer. It's that we become Dawn Slayers, no? But I also think that might be too simple of an answer. So let me expand a little bit further if I may, Mrs. Tholl."[/color] He began to search in his thought, possibilities and theories, along with combining them with the facts and knowledge he knew to be true. [color=8882be]"Dawn Slayers are more than mere mages and witches, we all hold a type of responsibility regardless of the plain of which we are fostered upon. We all share the same space within the spectrum of things, therefore there is a balance that must be kept. If not the same mistake and occurrences of the past will repeat themselves and who really wants that? Whatever means to achieve that, that is not this academy's aim. Benevolence is not what I find to be this academy's defining feature, if I may say so myself Mrs. Tholl. I do say it with utmost respect to your authority and those of the head."[/color] He continues to ponder, trying to find a solution, but it becomes less about the class in itself, and more about satiating his own thirst to uncover this mystery he has implemented in his head. [color=8882be]"I suppose that by that definition, we are sourced to produce potent dawn slayers capable of distributing their talents for the safeguard of that balance. Monetarily speaking, we need to train such to produce the quality marketing of our services to the people. To put it in simpler terms, I suppose- Dawn Slayers are the merchandise which will propel the existence of a radiant world."[/color] He thought of the killing that occurred recently, might there be something that's shifting the balance again? Well, he couldn't come to any solidified conclusions, but he stopped speaking. Mainly because he forgot to continue, he now shifted to talking with himself than anything else. [color=8882be]"But why is the dog here then"[/color] he mumbled.