[b]Opera Night[/b] ~[@The Irish Tree] (NEP)~ [quote=Nephele Francine Megalos III][color=A9A9A9][b]"I've failed already, but...will you come with us?"[/b][/color][/quote] Christine was about to take your hand when her gaze quickly shifted towards the windows. The dawn was breaking, beams of sunlight began to pierce and illuminate the dark manor. Your ward then looked back at you and smiled. She then began to dissipate in the same way the once-beautiful manor transformed into its more dilapidated state. As the sun grew brighter, Christine grew more transparent until her last vestiges were gone. However, her bright smile conveyed to you that she was thankful. Thankful for acting as her protector in this dark time. It appeared that she nor anything you saw earlier was real but your actions were real enough. Have you finally given this story a happier end? Regardless, morning had come and apparently that ended whatever spell that befell upon you and this old and abandoned manor. Being awake and in action for the entire day exhausted you, even if you were a monster. Fortunately, you had enough strength to meet with Maria and head on home. ~[@EvilEdd1984]~ You cast your icy spell against the shadow figure but surprisingly, it went completely through him. Your ineffectual attack spelled doom for you... if not for the figure suddenly stopping as if he was given a command. He stood there unmoving before you as sunlight began to pierce through the manor windows, indicating that morning had come. Your shadowy enemy began to dissipate and disappear just like how the manor transformed from its bright and beautiful state into what it was now. The shadow figure was completely gone when the sun had completed its rise. Things were probably confusing for you but perhaps you could ask Nephele about it. For now, you were tired for being awake the entire day not to mention participating in the play as well as fighting the shadow intruder. It was time to reunite with your draconic companion and head on home. [hr] ~[@Rune_Alchemist] (ARL), [@The Irish Tree] (MAG), [@Silver Carrot] (ELD & REB), [@13org] (FYR & BST), [@Kyun]~ [quote=Eilidh Chiron][color=9B1436]"We can fancy it up if you wish with a prefix or a metal, but rumor has already started to travel of a new [i]'Guild'[/i] that accepts Monster girls into it's ranks and accepts missions. To rebrand ourselves completely might confuse things."[/color][/quote] [quote=Ars Argento]"[b][color=00aeef]Excuse me... If, if I may add my input, as a new member. I think the miss centaur is right, maybe we could stay as just 'the Guild' for now?[/color][/b]"[/quote] "[color=f26522]Just... The Guild?[/color]" Bart repeated the suggestion. "[color=f26522]Err, don't you think it would be more confusing if we just call ourselves 'The Guild'? I mean, think about it. When people our talking about guilds, won't it get confusing between a 'guild' and the 'Guild'. Also, I think it's pretty lame that we're just 'The Guild' instead of a more unique name. Like the 'Platinum Band'.[/color]" "Well, I don't mind 'The Guild' but I agree with Bart that it could get confusing in conversations." Neil added. "If you guys want, we can call it 'The Guild In... What's this region called again?" "[color=2e3192]It... doesn't have a name. We're literally in the border between two regions. Three, technically.[/color]" Haley answered. "Cool." Neil replied sarcastically. "So, 'The Guild' then? And hope everyone knows what they're talking about?" "[color=2e3192]Oh, don't be such a downer. I'm pretty sure we're all clear here.[/color]" Haley assured Neil. "[color=2e3192]Besides, I'm pretty sure we're the only guild around here. I think people are going to know it's us when they're talking about 'The Guild'.[/color]" The Siren explained. "[color=2e3192]Besides, if it really does cause some confusion or if you guys feel like it, we can change the name and just tell everyone about it.[/color]" "[color=f26522]That's true.[/color]" Bart nodded. "[color=f26522]We can change our name in the future. I realize that right now we may be too tired to be thinking about a name. Let us all stick with 'The Guild' for now and talk about this in the future.[/color]" And with that, the day had ended. [center][h3]---THE NEXT DAY---[/h3][/center] ~[@EvilEdd1984], [@The Irish Tree] (NEP)~ [u]Nephele[/u] and [u]Maria[/u] return to the guild well after the morning had begun. Their compatriots in the guild were probably awake by now and ready to start the day. Unfortunately, [u]Nephele[/u] and [u]Maria's[/u] exhausted bodies demanded the opposite. They could push it and take another quest for the day but that would carry consequences in the future. After entering through the doors, [u]Nephele[/u] and [u]Maria[/u] were greeted by a sight of Bart and Neil posting papers onto the request board. "[color=f26522]Nephele? Maria? By the gods, what happened to you two?[/color]" The guild master quickly inquired about them. "[color=f26522]You didn't return last night. What happened?[/color]" "And you guys look like crap." Neil chimed in, also worried about [u]Nephele's[/u] and [u]Maria's[/u] health. "Whatever you did yesterday looks like took a toll on you. You two probably should take it easy for today." The boy recommended. "[color=f26522]I agree. You two should just stay put and get some sleep and rest for today. But perhaps you guys should grab a bite first?[/color]" [hr] ~[@Rune_Alchemist] (ARL & PAP), [@The Irish Tree] (MAG), [@Silver Carrot] (ELD & REB), [@13org] (FYR & BST), [@Kyun]~ The next morning had arrived and you all wake up to Neil and Bart pinning papers at the request board. "[color=f26522]Good morning everyone. Another day for The Guild.[/color]" Bart greeted all of you. Meanwhile, Neil looked at the papers at the request board. "The requests for today are ready, guys." He remarked as he looked at the request board. "[color=f26522]Oh yeah, a messenger came earlier.[/color]" Bart said. "[color=f26522]He has a package for Bast. From the clinging inside, I think it's a bunch of gold.[/color]" {INCOME YESTERDAY} {[@13org] (FYR) & [@Kyun]: 100 G} {[@13org] (BST): 200 G} {[@Silver Carrot] (ELD & REB): 0 G} {[@Rune_Alchemist] (ARL & PAP): 0 G} {[@The Irish Tree] (MAG & NEP): 0 G} {[@Eviledd1984]: 0 G} [b]It was up to the guild members if they wish to share their reward with the guild or keep it for themselves.[/b] "[color=f26522]Here are the requests available, everybody.[/color]" Bart told everyone. [center]-----MAIN QUESTS-----[/center] [hider=Must Saviors Die?]Guild! Please hear my request! The leader of the revolution, Emilio Hari, has been captured by the Varjan army and held in Udor Swamp where they intend to execute him in the most undignified death ever to dispel the spirit of revolution. You must save him, please! He inspires much of Sonarra to the freedom they deserve! Head straight to Udor Swamp and once you save Emilio, head to the river north where I will be waiting. Do not head directly for Sonarra for the Varjan forces will no doubt be waiting there. Posted by: Maria Corazon Neil's Comments: A rescue mission in Varjan territory huh? Be careful guys, okay? You don't need instincts or foresight to know that this'll be dangerous. [color=fff200]*Recommended Participants: 2-3*[/color][/hider] [hider=Keeping The Peace]Greetings again, Guild. Once again I request your help. Another mundane task I'm afraid but relatively riskier. You see, most of our guards went with our merchants out to sea in order to trade and bring income for the port. While there is little chance of an attack from bandits or brigands, we may have trouble within like pests raiding our food storages or people starting minor incidents. Thus, I ask that you accompany me in patrolling the port town. Also, I finally have the gold to pay you~! Posted by: RiƱas Chavez Neil's Comments: Looks like a simple task. But hey, you never know.[/hider] [hider=Faith, Hope And Love Abide]Guild, I once again request your aid. A small farm outside Pravar has been taken over by the Brigands of Ravager's Rest. Why the farmers there chose to ask us for help instead of Pravar's is unknown but as a Valkyrie, I cannot ignore their pleas. I shall meet you in the shrine town and we can go from there. Posted by: Valerie, Captain of the Shrine Guard Neil's Comments: Oh boy... We are really getting all the dangerous missions for today, aren't we?[/hider] [hider=Laying The Foundations 2]I'm going to build some fences where we can allow our horses to gallop and have some exercise as well as graze too. We have some wood here and I think they're enough to at least get started. I'll accept any help offered. Posted by: Bartholomew Barker, your Guild Master Neil's Comments: Bart wants to go building, huh? Well, have fun.[/hider] [center]-----ONGOING QUESTS-----[/center] [u]The Sky Is The Limit[/u] [hr] ~[@Zaphander] (STR & FST)~ Following the directions to the newly-founded guild, you find yourselves in front of a great structure of stone and steel. The design screamed Dwarven but the broad, short people was highly unlikely to be found in these parts. Regardless, this was likely the building where the guild resided. The place where your next adventure would start. You hear talking inside. Perhaps it was time for an entrance?