[div=border: 10px inset #bd00ff;height: 500px; overflow: hidden; background-color: #d600ff; padding: 10px;][div=width: 100%; padding-right: 150px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; color: white;][div=padding: 10px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #00ff9f ;][Font=Poiret One] [center][size=50]1-800-HUNTERS[/size][/center][imga=center]http://fengzhudesign.com/blog/fzd_neuro_art_02.jpg[/imga] [center][url=https://soundcloud.com/nightcrawlermusic/nightcrawler-the-house-of][size=7]⏯[/size][/url] [i]Dialing sounds heard in the background[/i] [right]"Good Evening. Thank you for calling OmegaTek Industry. How may we serve you?"[/right] [left]"My boyfriend broke up! I need someone to make him pay in the worst way possible!" *sobs*[/left] [right]"Sounds about right our alley! I will transfer you shortly,"[/right] (▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)•︻̷̿┻̿┻═━━ ε=ε=┏( >_<)┛ Glimmering lights, the smell of sex, gunpowder, mutants, and whats not. Welcome to the new world, Welcome to New Delhi. it's by far the most powerful city under human-manage. This town represents the cultural pinnacle of the human way of life, civilization, and technology. It's home to the inter-galactical port of the Milky way and multiple other important trading stations put up stationed in New Delhi. The city consists of the whole thing, from warehouse to red-light districts, and skyscrapers to slums. you could discover all likes of people right here. Even the alien races from surrounding planets have come to make an earning in New Delhi. The city had its first leap forward when the massive company, Hyden Cybernetics set up its headquarters within the city. The organization became based on the aim of making the human race more potent, more powerful, and wealthier. Their improvements in cybernetics, artificial intelligence, and synthetics pushed New Delhi to its glorious top. eventually, extra businesses moved into the metropolis. those included manufacturers, medical researchers, and client goods sources. Soon enough, New Delhi was considered one of the biggest cities ever. Everything sounds almost too perfect for this city. Other than the fact that the city is managed by the authorities, which unsurprisingly, are pawns of mega-transgalactic corporations. Wealth is what fuels the veins of this town, vacuuming all that Gaea can provide into its core rules. There may be an ever growing decrease elegance, the slums are getting poorer and the wealthy are becoming richer. A few can not even accumulate transit passes. Unfortunately, with the wealth diaspora ever developing, it comes to no wonder that crime is at the upward thrust and peeking at the outskirts of New Delhi. The underground scene is striving with pills, crimes, and money laundering. the everyday New Delhi citizen hardly ever notices any of those issues. A great deal would rather spend their days shopping and enjoyable in place of managing problems and politics. However a few face the problems immediately. Some human beings are robbed, abducted, even killed. Crook businesses are forming in abandoned metro stations underground. The underground is turning into a chain of abandoned stations and ravines united under one flag. those small towns are home to the poorest of the bad and the lowest of the low. To the regular citizen, they're holes of dirt and crime, however to the ones less lucky they're a home. Despite all of these defects within the device of the town, it's miles still the top of the civilized world. What can I say? it's the brand new no longer-so-new international order. This is where omegaTek comes alongside. Is it sided with the best men? not exactly. Are they sided with the bad guys? Most probably. Though one thing distinguishes it from other business enterprises, it does good to the people. Imparting justice to whoever got screwed over by the corrupted justice system and serving the district it resides in. Afterall, OmegaTek was founded on the broken backs of District 3. The real slums of New Delhi. Despite the fact that it is covered with shiny hues and this fake facet of festivities, it is no amusing dwelling there without precaution. [i] [/i][/center][/font][center][i] [/i][/center][/div][center][i][/i][/center][/div][center][i][/i][/center][/div][center][i][/i][/center]