Okay, so I was exhausted, but really wanted to post. So, here. [@Rune_Alchemist] Tell me if anything's unclear. [@Pikmin Eye] There was a moment there where Koffing was just hovering there being like "er, something should be happening right about now" which is also potentially an opening to do something if you want to throw in an extra move, heh. [@Pirouette] So, knowing Joshua's priorities made it a bit awkward to figure out what to write in this post, but here's if you go ahead and rest in the mines. Sure, that works fine. Tell me if you change any of that, I'm not sure how I was to write that but yet I really wanted to post, so here, haha. I also wasn't sure if you were going to just rest or spend the night, hah. Anyways. Yeah. Hah.