[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi4wZThkYmUuUTJoc2IyVWdVSEpwWTJVZy4yAA,,/got-heroin.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][center] [h2][i]Life is Strange[/i][/h2][/center][center][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/1b04/th/pre/i/2016/363/f/a/chloe_price_by_sgfw-datc8t8.jpg[/img][/center][center][h2] 19 │ Human │Unlicensed Pharmaceutical Distributor[/h2][/center] [h2]Physical Appearance[/h2] Chloe is a young, rebellious women of average height with pixie cut styled hair dyed a painful shade of cyan. An elaborate tattoo runs down the length of her right arm. A black beanie typically adorns her head, matting her hair and leaving nothing but brightly colored ends sticking out. An open short sleeved green jacket hangs across her thin shoulders revealing the image adorned top beneath featuring something one would expect an edgy punk teenager to wear. A small necklace of bullets hangs from around her neck. [h2]Personality Traits[/h2] [list] [*]*Snarky* [*]*Selfish* [*]*Rebellious* [*]*Mistrusting* [*]*Insecure* [*]*Possessive* [*]*Adventurous* [*]*Risk Taking * [/list] [h2]Background[/h2] The last thing Chloe remembers is being shot. She had accepted her death and as the pain gave way of numbness and darkness, Chloe was ready to simply disappear... Then she woke up. In an instant everything came back. Sharp, loud, and sudden she awoke with a gasp. Though her wound was gone pain seemed to radiate through her body. As if it was confused on whether she was actually alive or not. Barely staying conscious through the pain Chloe eventually managed to get to her feet and tried to figure out where she was. After coming across an animated skeleton, a panicked scientist, and some kind of cyborg moose Chloe came to the conclusion that no one knew where in the fuck they actually were. During the first initial days after the COLLAPSE occurred Chloe coped by simply focusing on her survival. Lying, stealing, and fighting all the while fighting off wondering if she was in some kind of nightmare ridden coma or if the fucked up word she found herself in was what the afterlife was supposed to be. When she came to something resembling civilization Chloe stuck around and tried to be apart of it, if only to feel a little safer sleeping at night. Unable to get actual work Chloe was forced to consort with the criminal elements brewing to make ends meet. Her tough attitude and her casual enjoyment of the illegal actually proved useful landing her the ‘respectable’ career as a glorified drug dealer. For a while she did quite for herself, becoming familiar with a great number of illegal substances that she successfully pawned off on the addicts and desperate people who came to her. Amidst the chaos and hellish confusion of the Collapse, people were desperate for some kind of relief or pleasure amidst the uncertainty. Drugs proved to be a popular outlet only fueled by the cheer myriads that could be found and made available. However the ‘good’ times did not last for Chloe. Though she found something resembling a stable lifestyle she was still awash with guilt, anger, and a sense that she didn’t deserve to exist. Unable to face these feelings Chloe began to sample from her own supplies, abusing the very substances she was supposed to sell. When her profits began to sink a confrontation with her supplier occured and Chloe ended up breaking ties with them. Unable to continue selling Chloe was evicted from her place of living and forced to some someplace significantly cheaper. With nothing but a handful of drugs and a knife to her name Chloe now tries to live her life, closing her eyes to the problems in front of her... [h2]Skills and Abilities[/h2] Growing up in a modern, relatively normal world Chloe knows how to operate motor vehicles, ‘normal’ technology, and has something resembling an education. Her real strengths lie- *Drugs last longer for her with slightly less ove Her greatest strength, for better or for worse, is her new found familiarity with the narcotics and drugs of the patchwork world she finds herself in. [h2]Inventory[/h2] Butterfly Knife Lighter +Pack of Cigarettes +Med-X x2 (Left 4 Dead Pills) +Stimpacks x2 +Psycho x2 +Buffout x2 +Jet x2