[@Silver Carrot] Miss Mako surely had a small flare for the dramatic, but Circe knew she was not kidding, she drummed her fingers across her desk listening to the other students bicker back and forth over which part of the course they had wished to study. Most of the students wanted magic so that they may use the knowledge in battling, it seemed the conversation was mostly leaning that way at least. A young man stood up and looked around to the other students and he opened his mouth to speak. [color=f49ac2]"Potions."[/color] Circe said cutting the boy off, he shot her an annoyed look and was about to make a retort. [color=f49ac2]"I understand you wanting to master some spells, some of us do not have access to our own magics as readily as others, but potions, they hardly require any Mana consumption at all, right Miss Mako?? Sure you may be flashy with your lightning and fire balls, and you may feel powerful. But I couldn't conjure a light breeze no matter how hard I can try. I am patient on learning magics, potions though will be even more difficult, add the wrong ingredient at the wrong time and the potion you were making to save your comrades life will now kill him faster. Potions can be used to refill your depleted Mana, using Earth's Mana is more dangerous, so for this week we should concentrate on potions. But you knew I would choose that didn't you teacher?? Am I going to get a pointy hat and stand over a cauldron cackling at the end of class??" [/color] Circe kept her eyes locked on Miss Mako during her whole speech, gauging her reaction, seeing if the teacher wanted to play the game with rebellious teenager. Call her an edgelord, but she never did what society demanded, and she wasn't going to change her mind now. This school wasn't about fitting in, it was about knowing the special skills they would need to know on the field. [color=f49ac2]"You won't always be able to call in magic in the heat of battle, but a proper unit will always have even the most basic ingredients for a healing drought, that is most important. So we are learning potions first, got it??" [/color]She crossed her arms, waiting for someone to say something, but it seems her little speech sucked out the bravado of the other students and they waited for the teacher to begin.