[B]Black Mask/Sanctum collab[/b] Black Mask stiffened when he heard the man's voice enter his mind . You know, he'd had just about enough of people getting in his head. He took a menacing step towards the man when he fell. Mask wasn't above kicking a man when he was down. That was when he felt the pull on his body. The instant that the invisible force began to move him, Black Mask dissappeared. He vanished in a cloud of black smoke, only the reappear a second later, behind the man. He popped back in about four feet off the ground, already aiming a kick at the man's back. Sanctum opened his eyes in time to see the man vanish into the cloud of smoke. He expected the man to reappear from the cover of the smoke after it dissipated, but was surprised when he felt a foot collide with his back, knocking him forward into the pavement. Sanctum shot up as quickly as possible. Making direct eye contact with the man through the raindrops, now smacking violently againts the pavement. [color=lightblue]”So, you are a super after all.”[/color] He concentrated on the man once again, grabbing him, but this time waiting. He focused on a trash can next to him, sending it at the masked man quick, ready to pull him down was he disappeared again. Mask lunged to the left at the sound of metal scraping concrete behind him. His action was validated when a tin trash can flew right by him. That was how this was going to be, then. Black Mask ported away again, but this time, he took the man with him. It felt like being forced into a narrow tube, spinning the whole time. When they came out on the other end, they were on top of a nearby building. Black Mask landed with the roof under his feet, but the young man was just a foot shy, left to fall. Sanctum wasn’t expecting the masked man to port with him. He was left to his react time to save himself. With the man in the mask still held on my his mind he dragged him down to meet him. Sanctum clutched on to his arm as tight as he could. Now the black mask would have to port away to save himself and take Sanctum with him. Black Mask did, indeed, teleport again. The feeling of the tube returned, the crushing sensation surrounding them. While Mask was used to this, having a lifetime to adjust to it, his teleporting made most other people ill. This time, when they came out on the other end, Mask was already on top of the man. They landed flat out on the ground, a bit of the fall's force still following them. Black Mask didn't wait for a recovery before he began pummeling at the man's face. The heavy rain poured at his back, running off the nose of his mask. Sanctum pushed the man off with psychic force. At this point he couldn’t tell if it was blood or rain running down his face. He stood up, irritated at the man’s ability to negate his actions. In a quick fury he flicked his wrist aiming to throw him into the brick wall of the building next to him. At this point he didn’t care if the building came down, as long as the man was was under it. This was getting irritating to him. Black Mask felt himself being thrown again. He disappeared mere inches before colliding with the wall. He reappeared a few feet up the sidewalk, and immediately began taking strides to close the gap between them. Just as he began to approach the man, however, a black and white squad car pulled around the corner. It slowed, the officer inside clearly spotting them. The blue lights flicked on. Black Mask wasn't about to deal with the cops today. He grabbed his bag and vanished once more, leaving the other man standing alone in the rain.