Okay, peeps. I'm sorry, but this RP is fading out. I have ideas on how to evolve it (love that pun), but I've come up with another Pokemon RP idea that has me much more excited. So unfortunately, this RP is going to fall by the way side for now. This new RP will incorporate the real world, our Planet Earth. It's going to take a lot of work on my end to set up, but once it is set up, it will be more automated than this RP and run a LOT smoother. In short, this is the plot summary (and I'm sure this has been done before, but what hasn't really?): For some mysterious reason (most likely involving a legendary Pokemon of some kind), the Pokemon Universe and our universe are colliding. We've seen them in the anime and in the games, but how much do we REALLY know about them? How will they effect our natural wild life? How will they effect us? Players will have the ability to control up to two characters: One, you can control a human from our world, a first generation Pokemon trainer. This will be a completely made up character, perhaps based off a real life individual (yourself or a celebrity). And when I say "based off" I mean that, don't use personal information. Two, you can control a human from the Pokemon Universe, an already established Pokemon trainer. This second trainer can be a completely made up character, a character from the anime/games, or a character you've used in a previous RP. In this way, your characters don't have to die here with this ending RP. Sorry to disappoint, but I hope you'll consider joining this new RP when it's up and running. More news to come.