Odette moved backwards swiftly, Himeko's katana barely grazing her neck, seemingly catching the ghost by surprise. The black veins that had started stretching across the ghosts body seemed to have extended more, covering most of her visible body by now. Whatever it was, was seemingly winning whatever battle for control it was having. Either way, the ghost summoned a small wraith, launching itself towards Himeko. It was no bigger than a hand, but it wore a ghoulish grin and a a ghostly shriek as it sped towards Himeko, intent on seemingly biting her. The two summoned wraiths swiftly moved in towards Himeko, leaving Odette quite unguarded after she finished her little move. Charlotte was still watching idly behind a gravestone, having noticed a few flowers she hadn't seen before and was writing down a few notes about them while Himeko did whatever it was she normally did. Livia was holding her hand to her chest, seemingly muttering something quietly to herself.