[center][img]https://m.popkey.co/edf6a0/dgNkg.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180303/78920076eef06b6608c0db09a5a6c790.png[/img] [color=slategray][sub]Featuring: [color=309b75][b]Damian O’Connor[/b][/color] Location: The basement of the O’Connor Home Interacting with: An asshole named [color=aa2712][b]Snake Plissken[/b][/color][/sub][/color][/center][hr][hr][indent]Damian O’Connor’s no good, terrible, very bad day had been on nothing but an upswing since his meeting with Joy in the library. Was he still upset about getting kicked off the team? Fuck yeah, but he had a distracting, and in a lot of ways, having a distraction was the best way to get over something! Plus, he was gonna get laid, and dammit that was [i]always[/i] a good thing. Damian was now at home, alone. His mom and dad were out doing something or other, True was… well, Damian didn’t know where True was. But that was okay, he’d outgrown babysitting her ages ago. Damian was all alone, and it was awesome. Well, not entirely alone. His Assistant was there. Damian was downstairs in the gym, lifting weights to get his pump on and make sure that his arms looked awesome, and that he looked awesome. It had to be perfect, to ensure that Joy was as attracted to him as possible. Damian had been down this road quite a few times, and he knew what he had to do. Sitting down on the machine, with a decent amount of wait selected. [color=aa2712][b]“That’s lightweight, baby.”[/b][/color] The charming accent of Damian’s assistant, Snake Plissken. Damian nodded his agreement as he put his hands on the bar, and got ready to bust them out. Damian situated himself, and spoke to Snake before he pushed the bar forward. [color=309b75][b]“Everybody wants to be real jacked, dude!”[/b][/color] Damian shook himself, waiting for the [url=https://youtu.be/Jnvr7pH_IPc?t=52s]drop[/url] to come. As the beat built up, closer and closer, Damian continued. [color=309b75][b]“But don’t nobody wanna lift these heavy ass weights! I do it though.”[/b][/color] The drop hit, and Damian set to work, pushing the weights forward, and then letting them come back. Over and over. Normally, he’d do more weight, since he’d be trying to bulk up and hit records and keep his competitive, friendly rivalry with Trevor going, but Damian was just looking to get the blood flowing, and the muscles swelling. He did a few sets on the important spots (chest, biceps, and triceps), and he was satisfied. The song came to a close, and Damian hopped off of the machine with an enthusiastic, [color=309b75][b]“Woo! Snake, let me see myself.”[/b][/color] Damian ordered, and in front of him, the wall opened up to reveal a full size mirror, which Damian stared into, turning to the side to look at his arms. [color=309b75][b]“Look at how FUCKING vascular I am. Look at that [i]definition.[/i] That muscle tone. Jesus christ, Snake, I’m a goddamn animal.”[/b][/color] Damian flexed, watching as his muscles tightened and expanded. [color=309b75][b]“Twelve inch PYTHONS for arms, dude. I might not get to eat any goddamn carbs, but this is worth it.”[/b][/color] [color=aa2712][b]“Yeah, yeah. Your arms look great.”[/b][/color] The Assistant replied in a sarcastic tone, and Damian shook his head, flexing one last time. [color=309b75][b]“I’m just saying, if I wanted to? I could fuck everyone else’s girlfriends. I don’t want to. But I could.”[/b][/color] Damian said, nodding to himself in the mirror. [color=309b75][b]“I got good genes, baby. Goddamn. What a fucking animal. I got a date tonight, Snake. Let’s get crackin’.”[/b][/color] [color=aa2712][b]“A date, or a [i]date[/i]?”[/b][/color] [color=309b75][b]“The latter, dude. Come on. Start the shower.”[/b][/color] Damian toweled the sweat off of himself, and stripped his clothes off, before he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water pound down on him. Nothing in the world felt better than a hot shower after you’d gotten your pump on. Arnie had been right, way back in the day. It was better than sex in almost every way. [color=309b75][b]“You gotta know me better than that, dude, I don’t do [i]real[/i] dates. The boyfriend life is not the life for me, and that’s for damn sure.”[/b][/color] Damian explained as he scrubbed the sweat and grime of the day away with the brush, lathering himself in Old Spice flavored body wash, while Snake’s incessant rambling carried on. [color=aa2712][b]“Well, who is it? Brynn? Becca? It’s not Selena is it. Nah, she’s too good for you.”[/b][/color] Ouch. [color=aa2712][b]“Ophelia? Too girly. Miriam? Too religious. I got it: Quincy. No, none of those? Let me look…”[/b][/color] [color=309b75][b]“Hey, going through my DMs is cheating!”[/b][/color] Damian protested, but it was too late. The Assistant was poking around in his phone, and it was only a matter of seconds before it dawned on Snake. [color=aa2712][b]“Joy? Joy Darling? Mate, that’s dangerous. Better get ready to jump out of the window and change states if her dad finds out.”[/b][/color] Snake warned, but Damian shrugged his shoulders as he toweled off. [color=309b75][b]“Whatever, man. She’s hot, and like the sweetest person. She made me happy, even though the whole thing happened… So, yeah. I wanna sleep with her.”[/b][/color] Damian said, and in his head, it sounded right, but Snake’s next words hit home. [color=aa2712][b]“Sure it’s just a hook up and not an actual date?”[/b][/color] Damian froze after pulling on his shirt, almost ready to head out the door, before he yelled his response, [color=309b75][b]“Yes I’m sure!”[/b][/color] He barked, before slamming the door for emphasis. From the speaker of his phone in his pocket, Snake chimed in. [color=aa2712][b]“You know I’m still here, right?”[/b][/color] [color=309b75][b]“It’s the principle of the thing!”[/b][/color][/indent]