So here's my gal. I will start working out the NPC's. I might use some characters I've used before for a little ease. [b]Appearance[/b]- [IMG][/IMG] [b]Name[/b]- Aurea [b]Age[/b]- 19 [b]Species[/b]- Lion Faunus [b]Aura Color[/b]- Golden [b]Semblance[/b]- [i][b]Imbue [/b][/i]- Aurea's semblance is able to invigorate ones spirit, allowing them a temporary increase of strength and speed. Though this is all she is able to do, she has witnessed her father, who shares the semblance, Imbue allies with numerous stat changes and once, even intimidate a group of enemies into retreating. She trains hard in hopes of one day achieving what her father has. [b]Weapon[/b]- [i][b]Roaring Lyonel[/b][/i] [IMG][/IMG] When not battling, Aurea's shield doubles as her chest armor. It is in this form, when she will fight using her long razor-like durable fingernails. On her back, where the lion head slightly protrudes, she can fire wide shotgun blasts to repel any surprise attacks. When activated, the golden plate armor covering her chest, shoulder, and arms, flips and folds behind her back leaving only her trusty scale armor. In shield form, Roaring Lyonel gains a more focused blast that produces a powerful punch with much better range. Aurea is able to project her ability in a wide frontal cone by roaring into a special battle horn that her father crafted into the shield, which is then released and amplified through the lions mouth. [b]Other Equipment[/b]- There are two metal compartments built into the armor around her waist that hold extra ammo and the materials for making them. [b]History[/b]- Aurea grew up with her parents in a village on the edge of the desert between Vacuo and Vale. While her mother taught her the value of life, she learned from her father the means to protect it. He wanted the best training possible for her when she came of age, but in a village seldom in danger, he figured it would be best to send her to an academy. With the help of her uncle, who was often helping train hunters and huntresses in Beacon Academy, Aurea was granted entrance. Though, she wasn't allowed to take classes or train due to her age, she was allowed to stick by her uncles side, learning the ins and outs. This went on for a few years until she was able to finally enroll. She had a great advantage in the classroom, but because of the limitations of her previous agreement, fell slightly behind in the training. She adapted quickly with after hours sparring sessions with her uncle. She eventually grew into her lioness, gaining more strength than speed, and when the time was right, her father had sent his most precious shield, with a few upgrades. After that, training became more intense, with an emphasis on controlling her aggressive attitude in battle. [b]Personality[/b]- Through years of observing her uncle and wandering the grounds of Beacon, Aurea came to know most of the students and teachers. She was never afraid in her young age to tell someone how they could be better. The older she gets, the more reserved she becomes, helping through action when she thought someone was ready. She can be aggressive in sparring lessons, choosing to teach the way her uncle has taught for years. Failure is the only way to improve; a lesson carved into her brain. Otherwise, she carries a calm demeanor. [b]Fighting Style[/b]- Put into a single word. Ferocious. Her main weapon of choice are her claw-like fingernails, opting to get in close and tear a victim to shreds. She often loses herself because of her lioness instincts. These instincts however, also allow her to feel when a friend is in need, turning her into a guardian that resembles a mother protecting her cubs.