Here it is [@Lord Zee]! Please let me know if I need to change or edit anything! [hider=Brennen, Pyromancer of the Charred-Bog Swamp] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=dimgray]Name:[/color] [color=firebrick]Brennen, Pyromancer of the Swamp[/color] [color=dimgray]Description:[/color] [color=firebrick]A short, somewhat-peculiar looking man, [url=]Brennen[/url] stands a mere five-foot-five with a lean, sinewy physique resulting from decades spent living off the land. His skin is callused and leathery, defined by the occasional crag or wrinkle that give him a seasoned, if wizened appearance, despite his age. His brown-blonde hair is often oily and unkempt, with Brennen paying little heed to its care. Similarly, his square jaw is blanketed by a scraggly, patchy beard, permanently singed and scorched from near-constant exposure to fire. His bright amber eyes, however, seem to glow with the fires of youth and passion, unaffected by the passage of time. Brennen's garb is as otherworldly as his appearance and demeanor suggest, consisting of [url=]layered[/url] [url=]robes[/url] [url=]and[/url] [url=]tunics[/url], the quality of which ranges from slightly weathered and travel-worn to barely wearable, covered in burn marks, singes, tattered cloth strips, and frayed ends. His clothes seem to constantly reek of smoke and burning oil, not helped in the slightest by the strange vials, bottles, and potions that Brennen keeps secured to his belt at all times.[/color] [color=dimgray]Gender:[/color] [color=firebrick]Male[/color] [color=dimgray]Race:[/color] [color=firebrick]Human[/color] [color=dimgray]Age:[/color] [color=firebrick]32[/color] [color=dimgray]Personality:[/color] [color=firebrick]A textbook bohemian, Brennen's upbringing in a culture vastly different from the cities of Eon has left him a bizarre, somewhat eccentric maverick, first and foremost obsessed with fire. An accomplished pyromancer, Brennen, by virtue of his heritage, has elevated the element of fire to near-deification, seeing it not as simple magic to be taught in academies and colleges, but intrinsic to his very being. Having grown up in the uncharted swamps in the darker regions of Eon, Brennen is a seasoned survivalist and pathfinder, trained to track, hunt, and scavenge since youth. As a result, Brennen sees little use for social conventions or niceties. Cultural taboos are wasted on him; as such Brennen sees no wrongdoing in looting corpses or tombs, should such scavenges prove useful to him. Though brutally candid and uncaring of nuances, Brennen is not actively immoral or impolite, treating most everyone he meets with basic courtesy, regardless of social status. Respect, however, must be earned in Brennen's eyes; like tribal chieftains who earn their position through strength and leadership, and defend that leadership without castles and armies. While not formally educated, Brennen's unique perspective on the world gives way to somewhat profound observations. In tune with nature, Brennen is most at peace wandering the trails and forests of Eon, uncomfortable in the crowded, civilized 'deadness' of large cities or settlements. That being said, Brennen rarely complains or expresses contempt, keeping his emotions in-check, but not repressed through self-discipline and stoicism. However, his temper, when flared, is like the fire he wields, ranging from slow-burning and scorching to explosive. Yet like a fire cleanses the old for new growth, Brennen's rage, once subsided, is gone for good; he holds no grudge or grievance, letting bygones be bygones. Yet more than anything else, Brennen wishes to return home, to see the threat of the Scorned destroyed, cleansed by fire. But until then he wanders, carrying the weight of his tribe upon his back.[/color] [color=dimgray]Backstory:[/color] [color=firebrick]For centuries, the Charred Bog Swamp has been referred to as little more than the Bowels of Eon, a hostile, uncultivable stretch of swamps and grasslands home to foul monsters and dark spirits, inhabited by covens of witches and pagans, making roost to their foul experiments. Yet, a tribe lives and thrives within the swamp: the Pyromancers. Claiming to have originated when their goddess, Valaista, Lady of Flame guided a lost adventuring company through the Charred Bog to the Eternal Fire, a campfire that burned warmer and brighter than any other, untouched by rain or water. There, the company set up camp, and worshiped the goddess for her aid. In turn, she granted them the gift to conjure and wield fire, so long as they remained in the swamp as her faithful. Now, centuries later, the Pyromancers honor their predecessors' vow, living in small, organized tribes throughout the bog; having transformed the Eternal Fire into a sacred monument and place of worship to their deity. Brennen was born to the chieftain and his wife of the largest tribe, bearing that same gleam in his eyes that told his parents immediately that he, too, possessed the Gift. Growing up, Brennen felt the call of pyromancy as nearly all did before him, the inner fire within him crackling and roaring as he grew older, demanding to be released. In a deviation of tradition, Brennen's father began teaching his son the art years before what was commonly done. Though this decision marked some controversy from the other tribes, Brennen's natural ability to control fire on a level more advanced than many others of his age silenced most of the opposition. Through his lessons, Brennen learned the merits of self-control and discipline, to control fire without letting it consume him; to suppress arrogance and remember his place as servant of a higher power, guardian of Valaista's Flame. Alongside his pyromancy, Brennen was taught martial skills as well, to interweave blade, shield, and spell into the ultimate offense and defense. His mother and other wise women of the tribe taught him the art of alchemy and potion-brewing, to take ingredients from the earth and turn them into poultices, potions, and poisons. Though never mastering the craft as others in his tribe had, Brennen nevertheless kept the knowledge close to his heart. On his 18th year, Brennen, in ceremony, underwent his Trial by Fire, a ritual that all pyromancers before him had taken in their own youth. The Trial was simple: Brennen was to journey alone to the Eternal Fire, take a tongue of flame from it, and bring it back to his tribe unharmed, and the flame undisturbed. Doing so would grant him Valaista's favor, and cement his status as not only an adult, but a fully-fledged pyromancer as well. It was during this trial where Brennen was forced to put all his skills to the test. His magical power as a pyromancer; the strength of his blade arm; the cunning of a survivalist; and the wisdom of an alchemist. In less than two days he returned, holding the bright, glowing tongue of flame aloft in his hand, his Trial passed. The next years went by without much incident, Brennen was being groomed by his aging father to one day take on the position of tribe chieftain. Brennen aided his father as second-in-command, helping the tribe hunt for food and supplies in the dangerous trespasses of the swamp. But pressure of a different sort was being placed on Brennen: to marry a suitable woman. Though still young, the fire of Brennen's youth had begun to cool, to harden into a mold. By his 30th year, however, all worry and argument over Brennen's future as chieftain was waylaid by the sprouting of vines along the Ebony Mountain. The Scorned, monstrosities of toxic decay spread throughout the land like a plague, not long reaching the Charred Bog. Though the pyromancers fared better than many groups their size due to their knowledge of the land and powerful magics, the smaller tribes soon began to fall to the Scorned. Those who were not immediately killed or fled inflicted with the plague. Brennen's own tribe was one of the last to fall. Seemingly-endless waves of Scorned stalked through the bogged woods, nearing closer and closer to the tribe's camp. Though they had prepared beforehand, and fought valiantly to the last man, they were overrun. The tribe was scattered, with a score managing to flee before being overwhelmed, many others perished in the onslaught, taking many of the beasts with them. Brennen, himself, barely made it out of the swamp alive - a fortune his father was unable to share. Left alone and unsure if any in his tribe remained, Brennen became a nomad in the foreign, familiar land that was the rest of Eon, wandering from town to town selling his services as a mercenary, magician, and alchemist, preferring to sleep beneath the expanse of stars rather than stay at an inn. When the Emperor called for all able and willing adventurers, fortune-seekers, and warriors to try and do what the Imperial Army itself could not, Brennen journeyed to the capital of Dramon, willing to offer his aid.[/color] [color=dimgray]Magical abilities:[/color] [color=firebrick][list] [*]Pyromancy [*]Alchemy [/list] [/color] [color=dimgray]Combat abilities:[/color] [color=firebrick][list] [*]Adept Axe-Wielder [*]Enhanced Stamina [*]Seasoned Monster-Hunter [/list] [/color] [color=dimgray]Artifact of Dramoria:[/color] [color=firebrick](Will probably add later. Can't think of any good ones! :1)[/color] [color=dimgray]Motive:[/color] [color=firebrick]To avenge and rebuild his tribe.[/color] [/hider]