Kjolmar gasped at all the technology in the lab. He was more than impressed, in fact, he'd consider becoming a lab assistant one day. Professor Sycamore seemed to be waiting for Olli and handed him sort of stone. Kjolmar wondered what it could be but apparently Olli was supposed to find out. When Olli introduced Kjolmar to professor Sycamore, Kjolmar shook his hand. "It is nice to meet you, Professor. I've heard of your reputation, Professor Juniper seems to be quite fond of you." Kjolmar blushed a little. That had sounded a lot better in his head. "Professor, this is Litwick. It's been acting really strange lately. For example, it suddenly refuses to go back inside his pokeball." Sycamore inspected Litwick for a while and then asked "Would it be okay if Litwick stayed here for a bit so I could examine it's behavior? I'm also rather stunned that it seems less morbid than other Litwick." Kjolmar looked straight at Litwick. "Only if it wants to. You see, it has a certain fear that I would transfer it to Unova. What do you think Litwick, do you want to stay here for a while? It's okay if you don't want to." Litwick seemed to be considering it. Then it's flame grew a bit bigger, it seemed to smile and nod and vanished into one of the walls. Kjolmar turned back to Sycamore. "I think it agrees, but good luck on keeping an eye on it, it comes and goes when it wants to." It reminded Kjolmar a bit of his Emolga, who showed similar behavior. Kjolmar was a bit disappointed that Litwick hadn't even said goodbye. He wondered if it realized that Kjolmar would be gone longer than just a few days. "Speaking of earning badges... Let's head to Cyllage?" he asked Olli.