[b][i]William Ascot[/i][/b] A hitchhike, and further use of Narrative Role of Familiarity, and Ascot would be at the gates of the old facility that stood beyond the city limits. The facility where clues to Mephisto's identity would be found. Drawing his taser and pepper spray, Ascot knew that his foremost defense would still be his narrative power; he had wasted his contacts and support on the earlier trip to The Wall. Here's hoping demons and ghosts would be affected by Narrative Role of Familiairty, or better yet, that there were no sapient beings around. For a moment, fear overcame him, and his knees shook. But remembering who was at stake, the boy kept walking to the old laboratory/facility, passing through old and rusted gates and weather-battered doors. Climbing the old stairwell that led to the top, Ascot knew that further exploration beyond said top would be...ill-advised. Drawing his taser just in case there came any intruder, Ascot would lift his right arm in a great summoning gesture; the spirit of this place should respond when needed. [b][i]Alexander Ascot[/i][/b] Alexander Ascot was enjoying a cup of coffee; sterotypical black coffee like a sterotypical cop. However, he was inwardly worried by news from his parents; Willi had been tasked with an important investigation even he should not know about. More to the point, he was inwardly occupied with preperations for the tournament next month; countermeasures needed to be devised against cheating. Nevertheless, in the Office of Juvenile Affairs' HQ, all seemed peaceful, watchful, but peaceful. [@RoflsMazoy]