[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Captain Cedric D. Boone[/color] - [b]Reverse Mountain![/b][/h2][/center] With the rum Runner quickly approaching the infamous Reverse Mountain, Captain Cedric sized up their situation. It was the end of many crew's journeys. Cut short by the unforgiving mountainside. Wonderful dreams dashed to pieces by the jagged rocks. If they were to succeed where others failed, they would need a plan. After a few minutes of thinking, with the help of a bottle of rum in hand, Boone finally declared, [color=red]"Mr. Messir, take us towards the center of Reverse Mountain. Caesar, use your strength to help Mr. Messir stabilize the helm. Our new shipwright! Im excited to see your repairing skills in action on our ship. Bonesword! Use your plants to protect our ship from the walls and rocks around. Provide wood to our capable shipwright as needed for repairs. Slick, I need you to prepare our ship for the journey. Take hold of the rigging as needed for our movement. Feya, please do the same, but also be on watch for anyone who falls overboard. You are the best hope for our devil fruit sinkers. Lilli, I want you to be our floater and help anyone as needed. We are counting on you all! I will be looking out for problems as they arise. Shooting them as able."[/color] If everything went as planned, the crew would be more then ready to face anything Reverse Mountain could throw at them. It was a dangerous endeavour, but if they couldn't face this trial they would never be able to endure the Grand Line.