[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170828/de4fb32b6dba717be14cb6eeb8aeaf1c.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3] [b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Monday May 22nd, 2017[/h3][/center][center][hr] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=ed1c24]Queensguard Research:[/color][/b] "About as ready as we'll ever be," Zoie said as Marc pulled the limo up to the front of the building. Getting through security hadn't been an issue. They had an invite, everything checked out. There wasn't time to do background checks on everyone trying to get in so they were moved forward. Just as the rest of the cars were that were coming in. "Okay, bright faces, we're on," Marc said before he climbed out of the driver seat and moved to the passenger door. Opening it he held his hand out to help Zoie out. She took his hand and nodded towards him slightly as she gathered some of her gowns skirt in her hand and lifted it just enough to make sure it didn't drag the ground outside. Stepping out of the way she glanced around. Seemed to be the usual people but there were a few more that she hadn't been expecting. Relic looked over at Mali and motioned for her to go ahead. He wanted to get out last and try to stay as much behind his sister and her date as possible. "I'll be right behind you," he said as Marcs hand went out and held there to help Mali out as well. Zoie was smiling towards the limo as she waited. Time to act like she wanted to be there. [b][color=ed1c24]Pinto Rental Cars - Airport - Mexico:[/color][/b] [color=f26522]"Thank you,"[/color] Natasha said as she handed over the larger of her two bags to Cecily. It was just a basic suitcase with wheels and not very heavy. She had only packed what she needed for the weekend after all. She kept her purse/bag and her medical bag on her. [color=f26522]"Hopefully this won't take long,"[/color] she said as she paid the driver and then turned to go into the rental place. It wasn't the best place but it would have to do. It was the only one she could secure a rental that was available right then when she had made the reservation on her phone. Walking in she stepped up to the counter and started speaking in Spanish to the clerk. They were lucky, it didn't take long before the paperwork was filled out and the keys were placed in her hand. She was glad that Cecily had taken one of her bags, she wasn't feeling too well. Cocking a brow as she turned and looked over to her traveling companion. [color=f26522]"Can you drive a stick?"[/color] [b][color=ed1c24]Asylum Escape:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]"Oh shit..."[/color] Risa said as the woman went full on Circus. She should have guessed this was coming. Thankfully for the three of them she was good. Risa made it to the door and Lucas was quick to follow. [color=a187be]"Come on, we have a date with destiny! And a show to see!"[/color] Risa called out as Lucas rushed passed Risa and out of the front door, making sure to go clear a path for them and get the car in gear. Risa wasn't moving until Jaina caught up with her. Her eyes darting about and she took aim an orderly was coming up behind Jaina, Lucas having slipped her a gun on his way out. Taking a shot the man dropped like a drunken prom date and no longer had to worry about being used to paint pretty pictures. [b][color=ed1c24]A Safehouse in the Deadlight District:[/color][/b] The cough fit went away slowly but his eyes were still watering. "Hey, I got~cough~this." Yeah, he had it, he had it about as under control as a child poking a hornets nest with a stick. And as he took another bite to try to prove he could handle it, that next that was stirred came back at him ten fold. He was beginning to look like one of those cartoon acme characters, one could just count down the seconds until fire started coming from the top of his head and smoke out of his ears. This time he ran to the fridge and grabbed the milk that was in there. He soon wished he hadn't. As he suddenly darted off to the bathroom and the door slammed behind him one could smell that acid in the air. Seemed the milk was now far passed its date buttermilk and had soured. Roy wasn't having a good day.