The battle was starting to get desperate within the mall. Furita was forced to abandon her hold on Mr. Johnsen to escape allowing the bewitched students to turn their capturing attitudes back on Talon and Serpentine. Fending off the encroaching minions Serpentine clenched her teeth feeling the rising fear bubble out into her actions. The off balanced and uncontrolled attacks becoming even more so as she fought to stifle her fear. “Catch!” Talon’s voice sounded, and Serpentine reacted just in time to catch the handle of the whip, the barbed tip still clutched in Talon’s hand. “Give it a pull, we gotta break it!” He instructed tightening his grip on the thin end of the whip. “The barb!” Serpentine protested, concern flashing in her eyes. “If I tug on it it’ll catch in your hand and you might be turned!” “SURRENDER TO ME MY DISCIPLINE APPARATUS GIRL!” A thoroughly furious Mr. Johnsen pushed his way through the crowd of zombiefied students making a clear course for Serpentine and the whip’s handle. At best Serpentine only had seconds to respond. Taking the handle in both hands Serpentine braced herself dodging backwards out of the way just as Mr. Johnsen’s hands reached to snatch her up. The whip stretched to full tension tangled in his legs and he stumbled and fell connecting hard with the mall’s tile floor. Using Mr. Johnsen’s legs to hold the tension while pinning his head to the floor under her boots Serpentine pulled to her max trying to snap the whip. Hoping desperately that Talon’s gloves were thick enough to stop the dangerous barb from penetrating and enlisting the hero into Mr. Johnsen’s army.