[hider=Solus Grim] [center][h3]Bureau Anomalous Entity Report - Solus Grim/Nekro - BAER/214-15[/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Solus Grim [b]Apparent age:[/b] Not apparent at all due to his appearance. [b]Actual Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Alias:[/b] Nekro [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Nekro looks more demonic than most Demons, who prefer to select a more human form so they can blend in among the humans. His body for the most part is humanoid in nature, close enough to be human, yet his face, or his facial disfigurement, is what makes him stand out from the crowd, so to speak His face consists of sunken in hardened flesh that has an almost rock like texture and strength yet the flexibility of human flesh. It’s structure reveals the man’s skeletal frame of the skull around the eyes and nasal cavity. He has no actual lips, but ones that appear to have been crudely cut out with a blade, creating a zigzag-esque line from one side of the face to the other. But even that is not the most interesting part about it. Green flames burn out of his eye sockets, nasal cavity and mouth almost all the time. The flames themselves are harmless to the touch. His upper torso also has similar mutations, from the chin and down to where his abdominals begin, and down his arms until reaching the elbows. His flesh retains the similar rock like texture in that area, which also seems to act as natural dermal armour, protecting the vital organs while the limbs were ignored during the evolutionary process. The rest of his body retains natural human skin, perhaps the original flesh prior to his physical changes. The man stands at a height of 6 foot and 9 inches, and has a muscular frame built for combat and punishment, with skin that has the strange tone of ash grey. His right shoulder, is etched with a large glyphic tattoo from the collar bone down to half way down the bicep, that seems to emanate magical energies, only detectable by those with a keener and savvier eye of those with expertise in the Arcane. Solus also has a set of large black wings that aren’t reminiscent of any bird species that we know of, which he can hide inside his body at will. These wings have a total span of 22 feet and appear to be heavily mutated and have a large multitude of joints. Enormous in comparison to the wings of even the largest spans that Angels wield. [center][hider=Example 1][img]https://i.imgur.com/Wxd89VR.png[/img] Solus Grim attempting to escape containment using Bureau Containment Task Force equipment as a disguise. Image taken from helmet feed shortly after the Chimera’s disguise being compromised, and getting engaged with lethal force. (Refer to incident 214/15-12)[/hider][/center] [center][hider=Example 2][img]https://i.imgur.com/v1kQVXs.png[/img] Artist’s depiction of Solus Grim.[/hider][/center] [b]Race:[/b] Chimera Solus is a very rare case of a human surviving what we refer to as a dual-possession. Otherwise known as a Chimera. Such beings were once human, who were possessed by both a demon and an Angel in relatively short time from each other, or possibly even a much longer period of time, if the first possessing entity has not yet managed to assume control of the host. Usually, such cases end up killing the host, the body being unable to contain all three different essences within. But, on rare occasions, a more resilient host (we are unable to determine whether it is the strength of the host’s will, or perhaps some genetic key, or even both, that are responsible for enabling the following) will be able to survive. Their essence mixing with that of the other two to form a single entity, with the body mutating and changing to accommodate the new, stronger essence. This single entity usually is for the most part, the human personality, with some minor changes that are derived from the personalities of both the Demon and the Angel. Though some cases have shown segmented personalities, resulting in what we could only compare to Multiple Personality Disorder, though significantly more complex in its nature. It is assumed with the latter case that the soul somehow survives it’s separation from its essence and remains as a separate conscious entity, with some semblance of control if the stronger soul allows it. Though nothing is confirmed as of yet, as it is contradictory to the Frag Theory of the soul ultimately ceasing to exist once the essence has been removed. Chimeras exhibit a massive increase in both physical and magical affinity in comparison to the original human body, obtaining the abilities, and at times the weaknesses, of the two former possessing entities. Knowledge, and even memories, are passed down to the new essence, confirming our theories that memories aren’t stored in brain matter as electrical pulses, but in another way through the use of Essence, explaining how some people experience resurrection, with their memories of their former lives in tact. Because of these new found abilities, they also gain the capability to consume Essence, though the method of consumption is unique to each Chimera. They don’t consume Essence out of hunger, like Vampires and Werewolves do for example, but to increase in power and evolve further, like Hellions. The more they kill, for example, the stronger they grow. Regular food is still a source of nutrition for most, but some have been seen to never eat at all, essence or otherwise. [b]Social Status:[/b] Solus Grim is widely feared and respected in the supernatural world for his skill as a physical fighter and a dark arts mage in one, coupled with his biological mutations that grant him further capabilities. The Bureau sees him as a top priority threat, due to Solus’ abilities as well as his catastrophically damaging presence when he is hunting his targets, blatantly disregarding innocent lives and the secrecy of the paranormal. Refer to incidents 214/15-1 through 214/15-12 further in this document. The School of Maga-Arcane view him with great disdain as a dark mage of power that should not be trifled with. Nekro’s Necromantic and Sanguimantic capabilities are considered heretical and inhumane within the school, and as such, seek his immediate destruction. The Hunters Guild view him quite positively, despite his destructive nature. They state that despite the presented danger of his presence, his abilities prove to be very useful in eliminating beings of a higher calibre than what we are used to here at the Bureau. From our understanding, Demons, and even Angels, do not take him lightly. Demons, even some Hellions, show hints of fear, with some running for the hills, as they say. Angels are very wary and cautious, though they continue to hire him for work they deem unmanageable by their kin. [b]General Activity:[/b] Solus within supernatural society is considered to be an independant Hunter. However, he is in fact a hired Hitman, working for Humans, Demons, and Angels alike, whoever can afford him. And his capabilities don’t come cheap. He meticulously investigates his targets to determine if they are worth the effort. And if they are not, he targets his employers instead. Hence him being feared by many, due to his unpredictability. Anyone hiring him run the risk of getting killed themselves. However, many state that his abilities and consistent results are worth the risk. [b]Relations:[/b] [indent][i][u]Fuse:[/u][/i] Solus and Fuse (The owner of the Guild Bar), despite their different backgrounds, and even having been enemies in the past, have a surprisingly friendly relationship currently. Perhaps it’s genuine, or out of fear for Nekro, but Fuse has proven to be a valuable contact for Solus in regards to supplies, weapons and potential targets.[/indent] [indent][i][u]Revek:[/u][/i] A Qun Hellion from the northern realm of Hell, Revek is the owner and weaponsmith of the relatively unknown, even in the supernatural world, Revek’s Mobile Imporium, a space-time anomaly in the shape of a very crudely constructed steam train that seemingly appears and disappears at random on human made train tracks. The train itself looks infinite, train cars of all shapes and sizes as far as the eye can see, with the cars being different every time it appears. The Mobile Imporium is an anomalous hypermarket, consisting of weapons of both ranged and melee, of human, demon, angel, and from some reports, alien origin. Most if not all of the weapons on board the train wield anomalous properties, and Revek sells them for a multitude of currencies, though one we have noticed, is a currency named Hegemony. One that we have nothing on apart from its existence. Its value is believed to be extremely high in comparison to others, as prices tend to be in the single digit range. Revek develops a lot of the more unique ammunition that is in Solus’ possession, and it is unknown what kind of currency Solus contributes Revek’s efforts with.[/indent] [b]Physical Skills and Abilities:[/b] Solus’ range of skills varies wildly on the situation that he is presented with. Through information compiled from eye witness reports as well as assessments from our own engements with him, it is believed that he is a Jack-of-all-Trades type, and a master of very few. Making him quite versatile for many situations, and a very dangerous combatant to engage. While he is quite capable in many aspects, in this report we will detail what we assume are his specialities, as well as his more anomalous biological talents. [indent][i][u]Intermediate-High level hand-to-hand skills:[/u][/i] From what have seen of Solus in the field, it is assumed that he has at least a decent level of knowledge in MCMAP and Krav Maga, though from video feed studies Solus fights with a more brutish nature, sometimes ignoring technique for raw power. Which, considering the hostiles that he engages, such a fighting style tends to work in his favor. [i][u]Intermediate-High level firearms knowledge:[/u][/i] From studies conducted from archived combat footage, Solus has been seen operating salvaged Bureau firearms in the heat of combat with relative ease. If he has no knowledge of the weapon that he may pick up in the midst of a combat situation, footage has shown him manipulating the weapon inquisitively for several moments, before figuring out its mode of operation. We believe that he uses those moments to memorize the weapon, whether to make it easier next time should he come across an equal model, or perhaps to find an equal model later through a weapons dealer, or for personal research if he takes a particular liking to it. [i][u]Reactive Flesh:[/u][/i] A term coined by Dr. Kislek during his studies into Battle Angels, Solus wields the uncanny ability, most likely having inherited it from his angelic possessor. Combat footage shows the Chimera taking direct hits from a multitude of munition types, only for the wounds to be almost closed and bloodless minutes later. Upon further study it has been noted that the ability has no such benefits for fractured or broken bones. (Refer to incidents 214/15-4 and 214/15-12) [i][u]Flight:[/u][/i] Thanks to the multi jointed wings on Nekro’s back, he is capable of slow sustained flight. And due to their span of 22 feet, he is capable of gliding for long periods of time at large heights without needing to flap. During incident 214/15-12, Solus has displayed some weaponization of said wings, by using their raw power to create a shockwave of air powerful enough to blow men off their feet and sending them up to 30 meters backwards. [i][u]Berserk:[/u][/i] Functions in conjunction with Reactive Flesh, and a mutation of unknown origin, Solus sprouts a varying number of tendrils from his mouth, hands, and back, all of which seem to be entirely autonomous and are capable of stretching up to fifty meters. These tendrils show massive amounts of strength, and footage has showing them throwing heavily equipped containment units with ease. A black, oil like substance oozes out of the body’s sweat pores, facial orifices, and possibly lower body areas as well. A single containment unit accidentally ingested this ooze during incident 214/15-12, and was hospitalized in one of our secure facilities. His body rapidly mutated, ejecting the same ooze add infinium, with his flesh turning pale and shriveling. Upon organ failure, the man dubbed “Subject 214/15-R1”, died from drowning, his lungs filling with the Black Oil, only for moments later to resuscitate in an undead-like state, and showed very aggressive and hostile behaviour towards Bureau personnel, attempting to spread the Oil to new victims. From the footage, it appears that Solus has very little control of his body during this state, if at all. This phase lasts for a few minutes at most. But is highly dangerous, and infectious. Dr. Kislek, upon study of the footage of incident 214/15-12, has determined that this unknown mutation most likely hails from the XK-Class End-of-the-World Event XK-27, which was located in [REDACTED], England, and prevented with the use of a 5Mt Thermonuclear Device (Refer to Document XK-27 with Bureau Directive supervision for further information). He insists that the case is connected in some way to the event and recommends further investigation and capture of Solus Grim alive for further study.[/indent] [b]Magical Affinity/Capabilities:[/b] While Solus may be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to the more physical aspects of combat, he is most dangerous when he uses his magical knowledge in combination, using spells as a form of defence, alongside his physical skills to attack. The use of AMPs or a Bureau Anti-Mage within a containment Task Force are highly recommended. [indent][u][i]Necromancy:[/i][/u] Solus is capable of resurrecting the dead practically at will. The Mages refer to his kind of casting as Belief Casting, a high skill technique that requires an enormous strength of will and the belief that the limitations of the universe are merely limits upon oneself. Mages that use said technique are considered to be very powerful and fantastic magical duelists, capable of casting spells in quick succession, but at the cost of quickly draining their essence, leaving a mage who abuses their abilities mentally drained, and if they continue beyond what they can handle, ultimately die. While Belief Casting applies to all forms of magic, Solus seems to be limited to solely Necromancy. Whether it’s due to preference or perhaps a mental limitation, is unknown. Solus can reanimate corpses, or what necromancers refer to as thralls, very quickly, and use them as a distraction while he either slips away, or attacks from a flank while the thrall/s overpower or overrun his opponent/s. Refer to incident 214/15-4 for further information. [i][u]Sanguimancy:[/u][/i] Otherwise known as Blood Magic, is used as a buffer for casting spells outside of someone’s magical field of expertise, at a cost to the casters health depending on the power of the spell. Though ancient texts from The School of The Maga-Arcane’s library depict mages that have found techniques that allow them to use the blood of others to cast, and it is believed that Solus has similar capabilities, if blood is in abundance and isolated from the target’s body, or a oozing from a corpse. For example, blood sprayed onto the ground or walls from a gunshot wound. Sanguimancy allows Solus to cast various kinds of spells, yet he sticks to Psychomancy and Antimancy spells as they are far more useful in his field of work than other kinds. [list][*][b]Psychomancy:[/b] Through the use of Blood Sorcery, Solus can push, pull and manipulate objects at a very basic level, allowing him to pull things towards him, like discarded weapons, or push objects away, like thrown weapons and explosives, or even stagger opponents who are in hand-to-hand range. [*][b]Antimancy:[/b] Otherwise referred to as Anti-Magic. Solus can cast temporary magic limiters, inhibiting beings from using their respective spells temporarily, 30 seconds at most, to buy himself some time for an escape or an attack that would otherwise fail.[/list] In order to cast spells with Sanguimancy, Solus has to either paint glyphs, or speak. Recordings were difficult to obtain, but from what our mages and historians at the Bureau understood, it appears to be Enochian. An ancient Hellion tongue, first spoken by the Firstborn.[/indent] [b]Possible Equipment:[/b] Due to multiple engagements with Bureau personnel, we have been able to determine Solus’ equipment preferences for his Hunts and what an Agent should look out for in field. [indent][i][u]Beretta 92fs Auto:[/u][/i] Normally, a 92fs is a 3 round burst pistol. Though Solus’ version of the weapon is a modified conversion that allows full auto fire, with a recoil compensator. It is unknown if it possesses any enchantments or runes within it’s mechanisms. [i][u]“Maledictory” Eagle .50 Ultra-Violet Mark VI:[/u][/i] Prior to incident 214/15-12, Solus was temporarily contained at Site [REDACTED] with his equipment confiscated for study. This was the only weapon in his possession at the time. The “Maledictory” Eagle is a highly advanced clone of the Desert Eagle .50AE Mark XIX of unknown origin. The manufacturer’s name “Ultra-Magnum Research and Development” with a serial number of #0012 is inscribed on the side of the weapon. Disassembly and reassembly of the weapon has proved complicated, as a normal Desert Eagle contains 42 parts main parts with some minor parts such as screws and pins. This one, has over 150, and weights 6 times as much as the Magnum Research variant, at a whooping 8 kilograms. It is surprising how Solus can hold the weapon, let alone fire it. The internal components of the weapon are complex in their design, and are difficult to understand as they defy standard weapon design logic. Sections of its grip contain a small needle-like apparatus that points towards the palm of a right handed shooter, with microtubes leading towards the firing mechanism, a far more complex rotating bolt than the standard that is found in the IMI version, rotating 239 degrees during its firing action. During testing, the weapon was capable of firing standard .50 Action Express with expected results, similar to the IMI. However, Solus was carrying curious ammunition types that have been unknown to us until their discovery. [list][*][b]Silver-Nitrate .50 AE:[/b] Designed to the specifications of the .50 Action Express, this round houses a dissolvable plastic shell, with a lead frame, within which a liquid silver-nitrate mixture is contained. A round most likely used against beast-like demon types that show vulnerability to precious metals. [*][b]Ultraviolet .50 AE:[/b] Designed to the specifications of the .50 Action Express, this round houses a dissolvable plastic shell with a lead frame containing UV irradiated gelatin. Most likely used against vampiric demons and hellions to great effect. [*][b]Crucifix .50 AE:[/b] Under normal circumstances, this round acts like a normal fragmentation round. However, in the hands of Solus (possibly something to do with the needle within the grip), this round, once chambered and fired, causes cutting damaged and splits into 4 pieces, that travel at different velocities, each at a perfect 90 degree angle from each other, forming a human sized crucifix. If a living being the size of a human is hit, it will be torn into 4 equal pieces, cleanly cut from the groin up, and from one armpit to the next. We have been unable to replicate these effects without Solus’ hand on the weapon, and he escaped with the weapon and ammunition before we could do so.[/list] [i][u]M4A1 Suppressed “Custom”:[/u][/i] A heavily customized M4A1 carbine with an integrated suppressor designed with comfort and ergonomics in mind. Nothing much else is known about it other than the standard operating specs of the weapon. Most likely used against regular human targets or individuals with weapons of automatic capability. [i][u]Barrett M82A1:[/u][/i] Solus is in possession of the Barrett M82A1 Anti-Material Rifle. We can only assume that he uses the weapon against armoured targets, such as Qun Hellions for example. Or for bypassing cover that his targets may be hiding behind. [i][u]Dodge Challenger R/T 1970 Custom:[/u][/i] Solus’ mode of transport on Earth, is a heavily modified Dodge Challenger that was confiscated alongside the “Maledictory” Eagle prior to incident 214/15-12. On the outside the vehicle is quite ordinary despite its visual modifications. On the inside however, the car is entirely bulletproof. From the doors, to the fuel tank. The rims contain a Run Flat system within the tyre camera, and the windows are aluminium oxynitride. Strangely, the car does not have any headlights, which is the only illegal thing on the vehicle.[/indent] [hr] [b]BAER/214-15 Incident Reports:[/b] 214/15-1: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]] 214/15-2: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]] 214/15-3: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]] 214/15-4: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]] 214/15-5: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]] 214/15-6: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]] 214/15-7: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]] 214/15-8: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]] 214/15-9: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]] 214/15-10: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]] 214/15-11: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]] 214/15-12: [[color=ed1c24]CLASSIFIED[/color]][/hider]