After the strange man left, Orchid finished off his seconds and took a moment to relax. A fully belly, a day of work, all in all not too bad. He shortly considered the life of banditry for a moment, but his attention was quickly redirected to two other half-orcs sitting nearby. Decent sized; Orchid was a little bit bigger but they might put up a fight too. Orchid had an idea. So he turned to Torus and spoke quietly. [color=a2d39c]"Orchid gunna go. See you later."[/color] Standing up Orchid approached the two half-orcs, cracking his neck and stretching his arms as he built up his swagger. [color=a2d39c]"Oi! You two!"[/color] When Orchid approached, one seemed to be talking about some adventure or fight he had. Orchid wasn't really paying attention, he was just going to show him up. [color=a2d39c]"Ya skinny twigs. Sitting around like a bunch of milk drinking louts. Do ya even know which end of a sword to use? Hmph!"[/color] Orchid slammed his foot onto the table and leered at the two. [color=a2d39c]"Sticking pigs and plundering peasants ain't da way of a warrior! A real fighter! Ha! I show ya how it's done. You two, come with me. Or do I gotta prove something to ya right now?"[/color] Orchid's leer turned angry as he cracked his knuckles again. Each knuckle had an audible pop to them. [hider=Rolls] Intimidation - [url=]NAT TWENTY YEEEAAAAAH! 22[/url] [/hider]