"And then... get this, and then!" the younger of the half-orcs approached by Orchid tried to get on with his story but fell victim to a laughing fit, only to then be interrupted more thoroughly by the demanding bellowing of the fellow green skinned newcomer. Someone who apparently had a superiority complex, the older one concluded. That they wouldn't even know which end of a sword to use. Big words from somebody they had never seen. The young one fell silent, taken aback by the display. If a man like this had an idea for something, perhaps they should follow? Onward to glory! But what was it that this man had in mind? "What is it that we will do?" the young one asked, clearly bewildered by the unorthodox approach by one of their kin. But the beardless long haired young would soon fall silent as the older half-orc with a fuller beard stood up next to Orchid, half-a-head taller than this loud one of no manners. "Hold it right thar sonny", he called out, clearly to both Orchid and the man that had been in his company. "I dun rememb'r seeing ya in our troop en route to Greenest, or on way back. I dun recall you luggin' a single crate to the new hoard. Yeah, I don't reckon' ya are just here to have us do you's work for ya, are ya? Ya's got a little too little purple on yaself fo' that. Ya wanna order me 'round, you betcha arse ya gon' prove ya got the balls!" The older half-orc crossed his arms and grit his teeth, staring Orchid into his eyes. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] It is apparent that the devotion of the two half-orcs make them much less likely to be influenced by outside authorities, and it might not be the best of ideas to go and try to intimidate those who are intimidating in themselves. Orchid achieves partial success, seemingly getting the younger one on board, but rousing the ire of the older one. [/hider] [@Lucius Cypher]